Finger Fun! (contains Graphic Bloody Images)

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by "Its_just_a_ride", Oct 18, 2019.

  1. Thanks. It's the mystery of what's going on inside the bandage as much as anything!

    The treatment I got at first hospital was the equivalent of applying masking tape and tissue and if I'd followed their treatment plan I think I'd also have ended up in a serious condition. I was put on IV antibiotics on Monday this week as they suspected infection but only for a morning. Plastics bloke said it wasn't. Hope he's right as it's been under wraps since then. The big reveal in the morning.
  2. Yukkk!
    Fingers crossed for the big reveal tomorrow:)
    Seriously, I hope it's all right. Yes, the throbbing starts on a delayed basis but subsides after a few days. I chopped the end of my left middle finger off about a year ago chopping vegetables, sliced straight down through the nail from the bed to the tip at a 30degree angle. Blood all over the carrots and SWMBO's a vegetarian:eek:. Fortunately I have some first aid training so between SWMBO and I we sorted it out, but I didn't take the dressing off for 72hrs whilst it clotted over. Your's is stitched, you'll be grand. Shite treatment at the A&E though, you really ought to pursue that with them.
  3. As a teenager working for my father I got my finger stuck end on in the seed drill gears, split my finger from the tip to the 1st knuckle joint, no broken bone but you could see the bone in between the split "meat", as we only had about 2 hours left of a weeks work he said we'll just finish before we go home and then Mum would take me to the Doc, was working with Fertilizer so it stung like Feck, anyway we get to the doc's about 4 hrs later and he hit the roof, too late to sew it up apparently, wrapped it up in bandages and told me to redress it every night and look for infection. My finger is still an odd shape at the end and about once a month my finger nail splits long ways up the side and I have to rip the side off to stop it catching on everything. It has been 40 years and me Mum still gives Dad shit about it.
  4. Shit, that looks sore! I'm sorry you didn't get effective treatment, but in my case I have little to complain about.
    The top of my left index finger was degloved as a result of a side swipe by a SMIDSY.
    The degloved section was still partially attached and so wasn't lost in my glove, although the nail was. The surgeon was able to reattach the finger tip (while another stuck a pin and a couple of plates in and down my left shin) although the distal phalanx had to be shortened and the nail bed now isn't quite straight. Four years on and the sensation in the finger tip is still not quite right (and probaby never will be) but at least it's there :upyeah:
    (the last picture is 3 months after surgery).
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #24 Stanford, Oct 21, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. :astonished::astonished:
  6. Had mine redressed today.
    Looked grim but nurse said it looked good.... If she's happy I'm happy. Still no skin over the tip though. And since I bathed it in saline it still feels like it wrapped tightly in rubber bands and being spilt lengthways with a chisel but instead of burning now feels freezing cold (but normal temperature in reality). Nerves are weird!
  7. You have to wonder why fingernails (along with wisdom teeth) survived natural selection. Sure once we'd got farming nailed on as a species we could have bred them out.
  8. Good stuff.
    Temperature, or at least the sensation of, is definitely one of the weird aspects of such injuries. Mine was never a problem in that way but my partner, who chopped off the end of one of her fingers (not in sympathy with me :p) by getting it trapped between a couple of large concrete plant pots she was moving around, really feels the cold in her reattached appendage, which has otherwise healed really well.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. I have grown without wisdom teeth, and no sign of any coming now, I'm 52 y.o. Does that mean I am more highly evolved than most?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. you haven’t got wisdom teeth it means you are thick as shit. ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. I only have one wisdom tooth so I'm twice as thick as you :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. My argument with a hacksaw looks rubbish in comparison! The nail left this world soon after, the cut was the same depth on the pad of my thumb too. Had to have an injection of something or other into the bone.

    iphone pics 3 009.jpg
    • WTF WTF x 2
  13. Grim. Did it feel like it might peel apart like a banana?
  14. Yep!
  15. I was at the gym today and found a hole in my trainer big enough to put my finger in.

    She's pressing charges and they have banned me for life.
    • Funny Funny x 7
  16. Stitches due out Tuesday.... Hope it doesn't fall apart! IMG_20191026_102800.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Looking better than it did :upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. Yes, feeling a little less horrified when I look at it now. Still grim but not as grim!!!
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