Need help with values

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. So can I get help valuing parts below, realistic price not best case scenario:

    2002 900ss ie parts:

    Cat C frame, all straight. Powder coated red.
    Powder coated red front sub frame.
    Front light with slight mark
    Ecu DP
    Front forks with Wilber’s springs
    Rear shock wilbers
    Gold line callipers front & back
    5 spoke marchesini rims, scratched but all good. Will come with tyres good for another 2-3k
    Top & bottom yoke powder coated black
    Rear light
    Stock cans with few scuffs
    Stock headers
    D&D loud cans. All working order but few scuffs and bends in rivets. Sound great.
    Front & rear hangers powder coated black
    Panels, some in senna grey. Good for new paintjob or track day set.
    Grey seat and seat cover
    Grey tank with small dent, with fuel pump.
    Pair of cylinder heads just rebuild by Rosso Cores. All like new with new cams, heads beat blasted with every bolt replaced and all serviced.
    Stock pistons
    Stock cylinders
    Alloy swing-arm
  2. I will give you a tenner for the lot
  3. Need a bit more as fancy 749rs or 999. ;)
  4. why don't you repeat above in 'For Sale' with invitation of offers L? you could then look on E-bay to get an idea on that item. at least it would get the ball rolling. Only a Saint :)biggrin:) would sit down and help you value all these items in one hit?
  6. As lovely as is I am looking for road bike FE.

    Just noticed spell check error you refer to it was to be 749r or s
    #6 Lucazade, Apr 13, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2013
  7. If that's a late curved section swingarm its v sought after. Ditto the 5 spoke wheels and long ie fork legs.
  8. No idea re swing-arm it is alloy.
  9. Lukaz, Pablo will rip your arm off for that swingarm!!! please PM Him as this will finish off his Super light/ST3 special.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I am still looking at prices do not want anyone to get ripped off but that swinger is no where on sale to check price.

    Also any suggestion on price for two fully returned heads (like new now)?
  12. As you no it's a buyers market at the moment, At a guess the heads would be worth £75 each maybe a little more. But if they had ST2 cams then double that. the cams are worth more than the heads.
  13. 5 spokes sell for 300-400 sometimes more.. 851/888 owners usually buy them so i will link a post to here on the 851/888 forum.
  14. He might not sell the heads then at that price or split them.
  15. Put a link up on the 851/888 forum to your ad on here. 5 spokes will sell :smile:
  16. Get them to buy more ;P. Forks, shock, spindles and so on ....
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