Text. Wtf is text? This is what I get about every hour. Beauty has its price you know! Note my extravagant replies.
Captain’s Log Stardate 29.10.19 Did a bit of my “proper job” in the morning, then after lunch rode on the M796 with my son on his moped to drop off yet more project parts for my S4 special (Carla) to Ray Petty. Bounced around some ideas for the headlight unit which raised a few eyebrows, had a chinwag and a cheeky roll up, then rode back home again with Carla’s leaky carbon fibre tank bungeed to my boy’s pillion seat so it can be sent away for repairs. Then watched “Biker Boyz” with my son, which was so cringeingly bad it was absolutely fantastic and we laughed so much he got a nosebleed. Happy days
You might have taken that route P, and I probably would have 20-odd years ago, but it's a short life and all that.. there were a total of 3 employees who heard the full details plus many cameras so i'm happy it's in safe hands.
Mate, have you never heard of the “Hot/Crazy Matrix”? I seem to have struck lucky and am with a unicorn (scores above “8” hot but less than a “5” crazy)....
It must have been written with her in mind but I do have a fair bit of ‘previous’ in these parts so she likes to keep a close eye on me. She’s currently on her way over to Thailand though to open up our holiday home for the winter so I have at least 15hrs peace and quiet. She is a unicorn, one in a million and I wouldn’t change her for the world!
Watching “who are you calling fat? “ on BBC2. Interesting program, but try and watch it without shouting at the TV!
I've a few problems first to resolve like the vans battery is dead and it goes in for a service tomorrow plus i wanted to change over the front discs/pads,so not sure how to play it at the moment but yes it might be the last one for me today or tomorrow......how about you