Life is too short to work beyond 60 unless you absolutely have too. I will resist the temptation to make a comment regarding early retirement in the public sector :wink:
OK I can't resist the temptation. The Audit Commission said 'early retirement (in the public sector) was a fraud against the taxpayer'.
You're right. It doesn't happen too often at all. However I'm still fairly fit and healthy and enjoy my sports bike and snowboarding. And despite the stress currently experiencing I do enjoy my job immensely and still feel I have a big contribution to make. Others may disagree though lol
Blame the Treasury who has encouraged it and not the staff who have not refused a gift that which is freely offered to them. I say "freely" ... it is practically stuffed down the staff's throats.
My poor dad had a heart attack in his 40s and was unable to work for a while , lost his good job... Mortgage got in arrears and all sorts . Had to get a big loan. He's now 70 and STILL working as he can't afford not to. I can't afford to pay into a big pension But it hit me I'm now middleaged and better do something ... ( take up bingo and knitting). Wide awake club !!! Whoop whoop! Long standing member Mind you Timmy " fecking iffy" Mallet is enough to give you nightmares
Been awake since 3.23am but only got up at 5.15am. You get sick of staring at the ceiling after a while. View attachment 13778
My ceiling is smooth ... When I was young and couldn't sleep I would try and see what I could see in the artex and stuff ..., No I watch out for spiders
I went to bed at 11.30pm. I was awake at 12.03am, 1.34am, 2.20am, 4.11am, 5.14am, and 6.03am. I got up at 6.31am.
Went to bed at midnight, led there.....led there some more, up at 1:30ish for a wander round then back at gone 2 to roll around some more. Dropped off at sometime way gone 3am. For me the getting to sleep is a constant battle, when I'm asleep I'm out's just the 1-4 hours it takes me to drop off that causes the problems :frown: