Another one who hates my country and it’s people. instead of calling us fools, why not ask why we vote SNP?
this place has gone well beyond light harted chit chat. i dont think many either post to inform or read to be informed. but if one or two are looking in and taking note then its worth the effort.
yip, its brainwashing not curcumstances that turns half the contry and some genuine undecided to look for other solutions. 70% of the country associate as being to the left of UK politics.
Interesting that the SNP lost quite a few seats from 2015 to 2017. This election should be a good indication of the support, either way, for a second independent vote.
deffo, but as deals are already being done on who will push who going on it might scue the results. but either way, if the SNP and green secure more than 50% of the votes then... the torys tory thatcher, accepted that winning more than 50% of the seats was a ligitimate reason for negotiating independence.
Well, here is the dillema , when various parties have commented on the police increase by the tories, the standard argument within parliament has been, you are only replacing what you already had so it is no increase, 20,000 new police to replace the 20,000 police removed already In the 2015 general election, the snp had 56 of the 59 Scottish seats In the 2017 general election, the snp lost a third of their seats so now having 35 of 59 using the police analogy, they would have to win 56 scottish mp seats just to return to what was, anything less would be seen as less because it would be less but even just one extra mp would be promoted by the snp as extra support for indi
i think it will be going to the coarts. 60% of seats are not a majority or a mandate. they have said 100% is not a majority or a mandate. realected or not, Cherrys work aint over yet.
Could that not actually remove snp mp's fin, we both know one got their mp ship by just 2 votes, another by just 20 odd? The snp has 4 mp's in the top 10 of smallest majority wins
could do. like its always been up here, low turn outs have always been an issue. if people turn out, they will vote SNP or Green. time will tell. if we lose seats the contry will lose. but the music group i have pledged the £100 in a bet will win £50 more than expected.
Whether you like it or not, the SNP are still the third largest party on the HoC but this always seems to be conveniently forgotten.
That's a serious play with numbers to come up with that fact... How about % of the uk population represented? Not such a pretty number.. The big question is will Nicola resign if she looses even more seats than they did in 2017?
They are the third largest but it often suits them to claim they are forgotten when constantly seeking nothing other than independence. In what way do you think they are forgotten? They have a vote in the house the same as anyone else
go on then. i know you want to. i know you're going to. i know you're going to mention the EU. i also now you're not going to explain why we can, and do differ in so many ways to rUK in those areas and why we do so much better.