Pet Hates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. I know it's been said before, but spitting remains the most disgusting thing in the world :mad:
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  2. I bet you spend more that that on beer a week :rolleyes:
  3. No ... Done my purpose for the human race...
    As a woman ( cough) we just want to make sure that you can practise at making babies ....
    I have no biological clock :) :)
    Sometimes I am shallow arnt we all :)

    Money doesn't come into it for me.
    I'd rather find a decent no bullshit chap and what's I'm the bank account who cares some of us are self sufficient ( and poor !) .
  4. Bugger toilet papers gone up then !
  5. Your lucky-they run away when I take my helmet off.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Leaky, so called waterproofs.
  7. It worked once on your original post!
  8.'ve got an Aston.....respect
  9. There is no god
  10. Don't go to China!!!
  11. Spitting I can't bare it's disgusting .
    especially the rasping noise then spitting ...

    It repulses me.
    I dumped a guy on the spot when he did it .
    saw him do it once was not happy twice ( and obviously a habit ) dumped.
    Told him it was vile and he said I was overeacting .
    I think not.
  12. Okay :smile:
  13. The phrase "A Real Head Turner" As opposed to what?? An unreal one presumably, a dead one? It defies all sense!

    When I see it to describe an item being sold, I think, "How desperate do you have to be to employ that stupid phrase?"

    It's just stupid, winds me up to buggery :mad:
  14. Not being able to leave ANY food out.

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  15. People with pet hates I mean why not have a normal pet

    i so hate people with pet hates, it's a pet hate of mine

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  16. "You'll find it in the last place you look"


    Yes. I will. Thank you for your input.

    I'm not going to keep looking when I've found it!!!!!!!!
  17. On a serious note..... I hate people who tear out lawns to put a drive down only for them NOT to park any bloody vehicles on their precious bloody driveway...WTF

    then they moan about flooding or wing mirrors being damaged nobbers
  18. The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.
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