Moving hardcore the old way with a wheelbarrow before the excavator arrives and makes a mess.Front wheel returned with new tire/inner tube so a good opportunity to remove the discs and clean the spokes & what a boring task.
Got my beemers rear brake working again, because you don't require front-brakes in winters minus degree temperatures. Unless you wish to see tarmac up close.
Oh I love driving the car/van during winter, no need to worry about it being dark or locking up the front wheel in the ice. It’s a revelation I tell ye.
Messing with the zed's forks this week - every morning before work i make a small adjustment - funny how literally one turn of the pre load on the front changes how heavy the steering becomes....!
Just finished some bar snacks with my lovey wife in Fort Pierce... no internet at the hotel due to a traffic accident (collective sigh of relief from the forum). More later... very windy here, but about 25°C...
Unfortunately no pensioners out & about last night only pyrotechnics,weekends is the best time to catch them.
More stress and woe today as FiL’s funeral plans come together. There is so much to do and everyone has an opinion on the right way. Hard to keep cool for me as I am not a patient person (unlike my late dad in law). Onwards and upwards.
Thoughts are with Jack and family today, but affirms the reason why i have taken this path on my death. Wherever i die, i will be boxed up taken to an unknown crem, up in smoke, ashes then delivered next to kin to dispose of as they feel fit. It removes all this trauma for those left behind and a more genuine reason to say goodbye as and when they feel fit. All paid for wifey and me .