Can anybody genuinely work up enthusiasm for whether the little white ball drops in the little hole or not? How? Why? Who cares?
For those of you who think golf is dull, get yourself to the local driving range, hire a couple of clubs, buy a basket of balls and then you may begin to understand just how skilful & talented the top players really are. I love my golf.
Like many things in life Pete, "if we have to explain it you'll probably never get it"but it is a game which gets under your skin and can get truly addictive in the never ending quest to master it.
Nice to see Langer back at the top in a major. Cabrera only seems to try at the Masters thou :smile: Im glad Adam Scott won which should go a long way to exorcise the demons of The Open
There's a lot of sport I like watching on the telly and golf fits that category (whereas basketball, handball and ice hockey don't). The locations are good and it's relaxing. As for playing the game - it's something I will never do. It would require far too much time to get any good at it, time I just don't have. I also suspect that I wouldn't get on with many golfers (although nothing much distinguished work colleagues who play, many of them were top guys). But the whole club ethos? No thanks. Not very keen on clubs, whether joining them or using them to hit little balls and lose them.
Ummm, same? ...... over my head ..........just like a good backswing! ah I see now, your orig edited. I don't know when I am going to die ( prob after I make my next set of venison hamburgers!) so green Carpet Diem -play today!!! re OP, good finish to the tournament, comes down to ability under mental pressure-fascinating to watch ( and a little luck) FORE,
Pmsl!!! Isn't that Green Lawn bowling ? I like Crazy Golf does that count?? Nope ???? Dam !! At least you get to wack the crap out of a windmill