Actually, on re-reading that I meant when SWMBO and I got home we had the argument, not WE as in all the friends we were watching the match with. Only SWMBO and I had the argument over the 'near not in' dishwasher scenario. However, on reflection, had ALL the friends have come back with us I would have won as they were all male bar one. But that would have pissed SWMBO off even more, so probably a good job it didn't happen.
Had a fantastic evening with our friends from Indian, Serbia and Iran. I love them so much. I need to make more of an effort to keep in touch.
I was coming home early this morning after a “lock in” at my local pub when I was stopped by a policeman who asked me where I was going at 2am in the morning. I said “I’m on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse, smoking, staying out late and the effects it has on the human body” The policeman said “Really? Who’s giving a lecture on that subject at this time of the day?” “That’d be my wife” I said.
Had a very spirited ride today on the MonsterBirga. With the Far North Ulysses club. Went to paparoa pub for pancakes and rode out to the end of the rickety Pahi jetty.
Today I have done Sweet FA, barely moved due to being extremely sore from yesterdays activities, I went on the first off-road ride of the season, 140km of forestry, open farmland, bogs and swamps, coastal hills and rock outcrops plus some rugged hill country, didn't do too bad, only fell off 3 times, as I'm a fairly fat and unfit fucker I struggle more than most, but fun was had by all (most anyway) 7 - 800 participants.
That sounds brilliant, I can see why 7-800 people would want to ride. Any pictures? Three of us couldn`t even go for a ride on Friday because it "might" still be raining I am well jealous.
Just put them in don’t worry about where it all goes until later do as your told eh Actually I think you like it so you can crack open the whiskey on your own so you don’t have to share Have you men not learnt yet a tidy life is a quiet wife
Yes, but..... it’s easier if they’re in there neatly then a) you get more in and b) when you come to empty it all the things that are the same can be pulled out at the same time and put away in the same place. It saves time. I’m having a feeling if deja vu now SWMBO doesn’t drink spirits so it’s all mine Have you men not learnt yet a tidy life is aquiet wife Yes, but sometimes we forget
We've learn't DB, Happy wife, happy life. I mean, when is the last time you saw a bike for sale with the explanation, husband says I have enough toys already so the latest bike has to go?
Reluctantly switched the central heating on this morning for the first time this autumn. Several consecutive days of sub 5 degrees and -1 or -2 overnight has dragged the ambient in the house right down. I've usually been able to hang out for a couple of weeks more but my fingers are just too cold this morning. Ironically I had a deep and meaningful with British Gas yesterday after they requested my meter reading and then refused to accept that the meter had only advanced 4 units in the last quarter Andy
I put some crankcases in the oven and the bearings in the freezer, a recognised engineering tip when fitting bearings I might add. My girlfriend went mad, said the house smelled of oil, if She`d have come home an hour earlier She`d have seen the smoke as well. When I used the kitchen appliances for their "proper" use and made myself a good old fashioned greasy fry up, none of this low fat grilled in the oven malarky, She went mad, not sure if She was more angry I`d side stepped the healthy life style or that I hadn`t washed the pan. Wimin, no pleasing `em, crazy I tells ya
It’s gone crazy in our village, loads of people celebrating the war, even the local vicar is having his moment spouting some religious bollox to the flock! God I wish my bike was on the road!