So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. How long before you get it returned for that impending journey?
  2. You know it’s commemorating, right. No one other than the maniacs (Americans) celebrate a war.
  3. ....and don't forget to hoover up the bloody crumbs up when you come back.;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. You lazy article!
    You stood in silence in your PJ’s, I’ll have you know those soldiers fought for your freedom, where’s your respect, etc etc.

    Enjoy your coffee afternoon. :)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. F452353E-0E65-4AE0-920F-ED69D547B805.jpeg
    Will do :)

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  6. Yeah of course, just wish they’d tone it down a bit.
  7. 2FEF8EB9-7148-4205-84F9-9AEE572B03F5.jpeg Too wet to go out on Panti-girdle(just cleaned it).
    So went on Merida to cafe at Winterton-on-sea. Big rainbow & soaked roads but felt good getting out:D
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  8. It does see, to getting bigger each year. At the same time as older people are being blamed for everything bad, and youngsters need more and more safe spaces to express wherever their opinion may be. As long as it doesn’t upset the other kids in the safe space. Or be pro Christian. Or pro capitalism. Or against multiculturalism. Or any query against mankind climate change.

    funny enough, they sound all non hard left things....amazing coincidence
  9. Today I am mainly missing any kind of outdoor activity. I darent.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Just off on a service call.... power keeps tripping to the pleasure room (Gym, Cinema, Garage and Wine cellar) he thinks its the wine cellar.... first world problems need urgent attention!
    He cannot get a sparks today..... fancy that!
  11. Cold but dry for Remembrance Day in Richmond

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  13. Had a walk. Only half hour. Still alive.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. @bradders what beat we’re you walking to; 120, 140?
  15. ;)

    74 :upyeah:
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  16. As some may have seen in posts on other threads, I'm having trouble with the pivot shaft on my 748..
    Seems I have burred the end of it in my ham fisted attempt at removing it.. so last night I had an idea to get a file in there and try to de-burr it... Very bloody tight! Spent an hour at it then left it till today.. had another half hour on the file this morn ( ya get about 40mm of travel on the file!) , Got as much grease as I could on it and gave it another bash.. hey presto!!! Still fucken stuck...
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. So ive left it for now.. will be posting a thread about it soon.. meanwhiles my neighbour came over with a jet wash he was given that wasnt working, so me and him spent an hour messing with that. It would make a lil noise for 2 seconds when ya turned it on then the fuse would pop..
    we pulled it down and checked the switch and wiring but nothing to see there. then matey though to take the bottom cover of the motor and see if it would spin by hand, it didnt at first but freed up easy so we put it back together and all is good!
    spent the next half hour washing my van.. i now have a nice big makita jet was in my workshop!
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  18. @chizel can you not get a dremmel tool in there with a diamond powder incrusted round file?
  19. a what now? couple of problems are the lack of visibility, what ever you put in there then blocks your view and just how tight it is. if you get the shaft in the right spot (it will move quite a bit but wont pass through the bush to get it out ) you have about 1/5th of it where you can get a tiny file in due the the engine casing opening out a bit but ya working by feel alone and have to rotate the shaft often ..
  20. Time to pull the bearing from this side and knock the shaft out from the other side?
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