Irish Craic?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Fact or fiction?

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  2. I understand "craic" is the gaelic word for bullshit. So fact.
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  3. #3 pumpman, Apr 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2013
  4. Fiction. Bogus neologism. Look at the etymology.
  5. Depends where your from as well.
    My family are from Coleraine
    And fairly low key and quiet.
    Not great deal of banter or chat.

    Although my Great Grandmother struck fear in the heart of many !
    She wasnt afraid of anyone :)
  6. Something's can be a bit steriotypical .

    The things I loathe are
    On St Patricks day everyone is Irish because great great aunt Jemima was.

    And sorry the worst offender Americans
    Who are American Irish because great uncle Cuthbert twice removed was.
    No your American!

    ( they are nearly as bad about Scottish)
    I have Irish and Scottish parents .
    It doesn't make me Irish or Scottish.
    I am English.
    I take an interest yes.

    But the above annoys me.
  7. Fact..................................
  8. Fact and proud of it.
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  9. And none of my family were like " Mrs Browns boys"
    I hate that programme .
    It's not funny at all :(

    Father Ted however genius :)
  10. Ahhh, how can you not like mammy she's a right grin.....looks a bit masculine tho
  11. mostly fact.with a lot of gobshits threw in.come over to joey land for the road racing and see, the ulster in my mind is the best .
  12. Simple fact is, the further south and west you go in Ireland the better the craic.
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  13. My great grandfather was from Cork ,how Irish arn't I.
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