Pete1950 Vs the rest of us normal non elitist types.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. (I'm not sure they are going to buy it)
  2. Hello Dave
  3. I'm Pete and so's my wife.
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  4. Shhhh!
  5. I like Pete's threads and posts.
    It's a forum. Part of it is for debate (other bits, fair enough, to supply useful information). Pete thrives on debate.

    I just fail to see how he can upset you. If you don't like his threads, don't read them. If you don't like his posts, put him on "ignore".

    Debate is cool - I love it. Many of Pete's threads are debate for debate's sake. What's wrong with that? It would also be a bit sad if anyone had a problem with someone who is educated. But it wouldn't be new in the UK.
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  6. Before Pete starts this..........!

    Who will the USA bomb the shite out of in the coming weeks ? (Bombings in Boston)

    my moneys on North Korea ?
  7. +1 for Pete, I for one find his posts most enlightening and at times amusing. I'm not sure why we're discussing the individual merits of a forum member because he has an education and is, clearly, well informed on a whole array of subjects.

    I've had cause in the past to be extremely annoyed at Pete's apparent disregard for what in my opinion (was/is) a potential security breach, and I publicly slated him for it. That was beneath me and I apologise unreservedly. I'm sure in hindsight he'd perhaps admit it was a little reckless. I would hope so.

    Without wishing to state the bleedin' obvious, we all have opinions be they right/wrong or indifferent and we're all entitled to them. Debate is about discussing varying points of view with intelligence and respect for other peoples opinions, if someone happens to be more informed or educated in any given subject, that is not a reason to admonish them, is it?

    This forum is richer in every respect for having Pete on board.
  8. Sometimes, stating the bleeding obvious is the right thing to do.

    The fact that we all have different opinions on a variety of subjects is clear. The reason for that is that our background, upbringing, education, experience are all personal to each of us.

    This does not mean any of us are elitist or an underclass, but that we are all different.

    We should be focussed on exchanges of opinion and reasoned debate (or good natured piss taking), not lowering ourselves to the language of the school playground and puerile bickering (or worse).
  9. I do like a mass debate and I'd say Pete is a mass debator.
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  10. With the Burial of a ....... i'll say no more Steve LOL and the London marathon coming up i'm sure Cameron and co can stir it up to put the shit's up the british public with bomb warnings etc........
    You see the plan forming ?

    Join the yanks and go and have a war with north korea!
    Get's Cameron off the hook just nicely for the next election! pattern forming ?

    TT In Steve B's words fuck it i'm off to the pub! lol
    #31 Imola, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2013
  11. If any of Pete's posts have upset you, chances are you mis-read the post. I think Pete's an asset to the forum; I can't think of anything worse than talking about bloody motorbikes all the time.
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  12. I agree. When some of you go on about a shaft quadrant or a slip diff fangle wangle or some such it can be beyond dull. Fact. :smile:
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  13. I think the forum would be better off without him and I for one do not appreciate the condescending personal attacks made by him on people whom share views different to himself
  14. Condescending personal attacks?

    Are you sure we're talking about the same person?
  15. Pete's ok with me. I dont care whos opinion I agree or disagree with ,doesn't make any difference how I feel about anyone on here whether I like their posts or not.
    Pete I know you'll be looking on with interest ,maybe you need to reply with a big easy to read who gives a f+++ of answer.
  16. If Pete1950 wants to show off his superior intellect, that's alright by me...........I don't have to take any notice of it........

    If you don't like what he says or want to get tripped up by him, don't respond to what he posts.

  17. As above, most of what he posts goes over my head and is complete and utter bollocks anyway.
  18. Not sure I like anybody on here being singled out, being discussed or criticised.
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  19. It's hard for one person to wreck a forum - you can ignore him (using the forum tools) and if too many threads are all clogged up with people who respond to him, chances are you are in the wrong forum. Pete as far as I can tell keeps his OT posts restricted to the OT areas of the forum - which is the minimum courtesy I expect from a poster.
    That's not to say that I don't enjoy the odd off-topic posting in technical thread but it's a question of balance and proportion which, in my opinion, most people seem to understand here in DucatiForumLand.

    For myself, I'm happy for Pete to carry on here as he is currently doing. I'll either strike at the bait or ignore it, and I sometimes learn interesting facts and viewpoints.

    As for a thread about Pete, there's no call for that. Quite possibly, he'll either have a fatal dose of head-swell, or be driven off the forum, depending on the way the thread unfolds - and I don't want either of these.
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