Boston Bombings

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Two dead many injured in Boston Mass where explosive devices were placed at the finish line for the Boston marathon.

    RIP the victims of this atrocity, (unless of course they are the bombers themselves,) My thoughts and prayers are also with the injured, their families and all those in the Emergency services dealing with this dreadful incident.

    BBC News - Boston Marathon hit by explosions
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  2. Terrible News, just been watching it on the news.
    Looks like they have found more bombs!
  3. Horrendous, some of the images are very disturbing.

    Really hope the death toll doesn't rise any higher.
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  4. While the USA have been fretting about N Korea ..
    Al Qaeda have been working away :(
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  5. Wouldn't surprise me at all if british police find similar plans for the London marathon.
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  6. And/or Thatchers funeral
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  7. Dunno about that. If it was indeed a terrorist act rather than the work of some loopy yank student it would have needed some planning. I doubt they would have time to plan for Maggie's send-off.
  8. I think a lot of people have been planning Maggie's send off for a very long time.
  9. Yeah, but they can't afford the train fare down from Jockistan.
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  10. Who ever it is has made their point.
    They won't attack the London Marathon because security will now be hauled up .
    These cowards wait for distraction or when guard is down.
    sadly with the death of Bin Ladin I think they got a bit relaxed and always look to NYC for attack.

    I am surprised these cowards have not claimed this yet.
    Who ever did this will want to gloat and brag.

    Any nut job can plant backpack bombs and as you see they are bloody effective as they were here :(
    Your get lots of little cells doing that.

    we should be prepared now as we lived under IRA threat for so long.
    I just hope protesters don't distract security from their jobs after this !
    ( joke is half of the " protesters" were not even alive / or recall Maggies time of power).
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  11. I hope when they are found they recieve the death penalty. Incidentaly so should those three little c**** who beat that down and out to death. Scum the lot of em and we'd be better off without the like existing.
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  12. Death penalty or death is what alot want ... It's Martyrdom if it is Muslim extremists .
    bang them up and make them suffer.
    Death is the easy way out for them it's what they want.
    They get their virgins and stuff then.

    I say give them a bar of soap and chuck them in the prison showers with Mr Big and his bitches.
    cowards ....
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  13. As for the those kids ...
    8 years what a joke !!!!
    like Bulger killers .
    normal children no matter how harsh life has been on them don't do stuff like that .
    Something really not right in your head to do that.
    8 years for a life!!!!
    A life sentance for a life !!!
    not ten years for good behaviour .
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  14. I've never worked this one out............if and when they become martyrs and they get their 72 virgins wouldn't they be scared stiff of having to deal with the brothers/fathers of said virgins who would be willing to risk their lives to protect their honour :wink:
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  15. I don't think its the act of an organised terrorist unit.

    SOP for bombings from the likes of Al Qaeda the Taliban etc is one bomb to be set off and the other a good 15-20 mins later once helpers congregate for maximum casualty count. With them its all about taking out as many as they can, with this it seemed to be more about making a scene. The incendiary device at the library doesn't make sense in that context either, limited personnel there was probably a statement, something to do with Lincoln and his policies.

    At a guess I'm thinking a disgruntled group of Americans, what would be the best way to overturn any upcoming gun reforms? Make people believe they have terrorists amongst them.

    Either way, a cowardly act against a soft target.
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  16. Yes, at time of posting it is not known who did it and not necessarily the Beardies.
    There are plenty of whackos in the US without having to import them.

    A terrible and heinous thing to do blighting lives for no apparent reason. And even if you had a reason, it still wouldn't change anything. It is sad that some people are so twisted that they believe it is fine to snuff out and ruin lives for some pathetic little idea which few others subscribe to. How petty and selfish. And cowardly.

    As for the 72 virgins thing - haven't I heard that this is a mistranslation (or a typo) for the original and that it meant something entirely different?
    So what do women martyrs get? Ah, I forgot. Islam isn't interested in female martyrs.
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  17. Apparentley it's more likely to be an American based nutter/s as the explosion was low powered .
    The white smoke denoting a lower powered device such as fertilisers, those raghead beardies prefer semtex with a bigger blast radius producing black smoke.:frown: Sad as fuck bastards.
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  18. Although I have sympathies for those killed or injured, Americans supported the ira whilst they were bombing us, and very little was done by their government to stop that support. Don't export terrorism as it tends to come back and bite you.
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  19. Sadly yes that's true .
    There was a lot of IRA funding from USA.
    From the exact people that get on my wick .
    from Americans that thought they were Irish again not but some great great great Uncle was :(
    Who had no idea about the troubles.
    I don't want to get into that kind of discussion heard enough over the years at home.

    Its the same for other terrorist organisations .
    Funded by people who think they are do gooders for the cause .
    Who know absolutley sweet F A about politics of it all.
    Makes my blood boil.
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  20. No doubt whoever it turns out to have been done by, it will give the authorities an excuse for all the "security" measures to be ramped up to make everyone else's life more difficult... And I will bet that some NRA nut-case will be on TV before the end of the week saying this is why they need to carry guns to protect themselves. Americans are just weird !
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