Sounds like a double-edged sword here - you can't have debate without people who provoke debate. Singling people out because they like to debate goes against the idea of free speech on the forum. If you don't like what individuals are saying then that's your problem and you are the one that needs to step up and provide a valid argument against their way of thinking, or alternatively ignore them. Personal attacks are a way of proving you've already lost the argument.
He has a pretty good second strike capability but I don't recall him ever launching a pre-emptive first strike.
I quite agree so maybe we should take a good look at the originator of this thread and see if we want people who single others out for scrutiny on this forum (I love a little irony!). [FONT="]For what it’s worth, from what I’ve seen of Pete’s posts, I don’t agree with a lot of what he says but it is not abusive and clearly a considered opinion and so quite interesting.[/FONT]
The fact that we are discussing means that Pete1950 makes a difference. I wish I could say the same with my posts. I am sure he will read this thread and laugh but also have a fantastic come back. Plus he knows sooooooooo much and is happy to share his knowledge. The forum needs people like Pete or it will just deteriorate in to tits and teeth posts and my exhaust is louder than yours.
Bock on topic for a second. I enjoy Pete1950's posts (usually). I also think Archer is right, he likes to play devils advocate there's also a whiff of condescension in his remarks. But on the whole, he does provide/provoke/promote intelligent debate. I'm going to!
I think his posts are interesting, controversial normally, he dangles the carrot, then hooks you in,and spits you out,or agrees with you, whatever happens hes going to tell you his thoughts, can be slightly condensending sometimes, which im not a fan off,but theres far worse on here in fact, dam right offensive. also it dosnt go unoticed that pete is very helpful when members need advice on complicated issues, as are lots of others AND I LIKE THE BIG WRITING, YOU CAN SEE IT
But TP, there's the whiney Autralians thread! /run away Ah, you deserve your own thread, Tony, not taking that away from you :smile:
I'll have you know that I've perfected the nasally whine. Comes in handy around the Aus equivalent of chavs ..