it is funny when immigration is mentioned how many say that we could control it but forget about tony blairs open door policy in 2004 Great for exis minge fest though
aye, noob, its labours fault. and you exe, parroting pish from farrage and the worst elements of uk commentary can do that to your blood pressure. so, what have we learned today? no SNP leader on the debates, but tRuth-less is getting a payed election pundit job. nice.
Be honest though fin, if you have the snp on all you will hear is "the people of Scotland must be listened to be cause we don't listen to them" and "grrrr westminster" They say that verbatum more than you copy and paste it
yip, its your interpretation of what you see. I get that. its why you are joke to many and ignored by many more on much of these topics. showing you posts to people I find you to be a useful idiot. keep at it sunshine.
Scotland must have it's freedom so as soon as they have it, they can give it to the there is a factual funny by nic
High profile sympathisers often attend funding events. Still, the way Labour are giving away freebies at the moment, I could get a holiday in palestine for 2 before the end of the week