My vote, is for the thread to be deleted. Its unfair to have a public debate about forum members. Just a non starter IMHO.
i think we should hang pete and then drag him around the UK behind his OWN bike then kill his cat(if he dosen't have a cat?we should club in and buy him one,and then kill that)..........and put super glue in his bike locks,oh hang on we need his bike to drag him around the UK!.... to be honest,things on a forum are only ever usefull if you need help and that help works.banter,piss taking,slagging off,difference of opinion.BLAH BLAH BLAAAAH......'as in' i dont like what you put on your bike.then the OP SAYS WHY THE FUCK NOT?.....if you dont like comments,just 'bat them away for a 6'. and if you dont like my post?..........well you can all f**get it then.
OK, I suppose I have to comment now. First, thanks to all those who have made kind posts including those who do not agree with me, or even know me. May I say that I start with the assumption that folk on this forum are intelligent, knowledgeable, experienced and possessed of interesting opinions which I want to hear and hope to learn from - unless they insist on demonstrating the contrary. I also imagine that I may know stuff which some others would be glad to learn, provided I don't bore them too much in the process. The game method is tutorial. I initiate a many-sided topic and wait for people to contribute their perspectives; then I try to provide critiques in response, to tempt them to develop their views, and to get a dialogue going. It would not be good enough for me just to pose questions; in fairness I must expose my own views to criticism in turn. I don't wind people up, although a few seem to struggle with having their opinions challenged. This is broadly the way tutorials work. Needless to say, no-one is under the slightest obligation to read anything or respond to anything. But if even one person's thinking has become clearer and better-informed, I shall be content.
I've met Pete a couple of times, in fact he's probably the only forum member who's been to my house. He's a nice bloke, and far more intelligent than a mere grunt like myself. More importantly he's a real Ducati enthusiast, and has been for longer than some members have been alive. He obviously likes a debate, most of which are above me. However, as large as his mental capacity is, he still got a grunt to repair his Pantah frame The world would be a very sad place if we didn't have differing opinions. I'm also against singling out forum members, it's not on. If you don't like what someone posts then click the ignore button.
I've seen the guy ride, and shared a conversation over dinner. He comes across as a friendly, intelligent and genuine man. That's enough for me to form an opinion.
It's an IN for me btw But why can't people be the same in life as on a forum?! I'm an opinionated fella on and off, keeps life easy
I'm really disappointed with this thread. I've only been a member for a few weeks, and this is the first time I've felt that this is a place I don't want to be. As I was discussing with another member at Thruxton at the weekend, anyone can be a threatening, over-bearing a***hole on the internet when there is no chance of a come back and the authors are hiding away at home. Personal attacks on people you don't know are not a nice thing, nor do they make you look better than the person you are attacking. I'd be curious enough to know if you felt comfortable questioning someone's worth to their face. I'm sure you wouldn't, I'm sure you are not that bad of a person to overcome social constraints to be an a*** to a stranger.
I am really not very happy about this thread, but I have discussed the issue with the only person who opinion actually matters in this regard. Pete1950 is a great addition to this forum and I was very close to deleting this thread, but Pete can clearly fight his own battles and he enjoys the same freedom of speech that you, I or anybody else on the forum does so the thread stays. I fully expect that there will be no further threads directly singling out other members in this way and can I ask all of you to respect and treat each other in the same way in which you would expect to be treated yourself Thank you
WTF is all this voting in and out crap, the guys a dedicated ducati owner who likes to ramble on about stuff. Ok whats the problem. One bitchy post from Cranker, and 2 days later there's nigh-on a referendum about the poor geezer. He's here and no-one has the right to ask him to go or stay. FFS theres a few on here that piss me off at times and no doubt everyone has one or two posters that get on their nerves but that's what forums are all about, bringing a group together from a cross section of ducati owners from all walks of life so you've got to expect differences of opinion and outlook. Live with it.