
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by luckymarine, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Comment on another thread prompted this.

    I nod to every other biker I see, well, sort of a half shake of the head like you would if you were saying "no".

    However I don't nod at scooters, and they don't instigate any nodding so... Does anyone else do this?

    Am I just being elitist or am I right in thinking scooter riders just pedestrians with helmets on and therefore unworthy of any acknowledgment?
  2. I live in central London, you do not nod at anyone. It is a race from every lights and zebra crossing, something like road rash.

    When I go out of London and there is way less traffic I nod at anybody that has gears on their bike. I will nod back to a scooterist if they nod at me.

    I usually dont bother with HDs and GSs. as a rule but again if they nod I will usually nod back but that is as rare. I have never seen a HD rider nod though.
    #2 Phantomfighter, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2013
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  3. Yea I can imagine its manic enough in city centers without nodding at everyone.
  4. I must look like a nodding dog, I nod at everyone on two wheels, I do live in the countryside and other than a run to Matlock Bath in the summer I probably don't see as many bikers as the rest of you.
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  5. I make a point of nodding at everyone including police bikes who never nod back.... Even scooter riders might graduate to bike in the future which will make life better for the rest of us (more bikers means more acceptance/awareness etc).

    Ive put it on here before but theres something James May said a while back about people who drive cars do it because they need to get somewhere, where as people who ride bikes do it because they like bikes. I guess this applies to all with a valid drivers license which is hard to tell if they've got a helmet on.....I'd best nod at everyone!:biggrin:
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  6. Same as Steve I nod at almost all bikes particularly if in a good mood. It's so instinctive I nod at police on bikes (as above!) before I know i've done it and 99% of the time they nod back.
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  7. Me.... I nod at anyone even stationary drivers I can't help it I like to be noticed

    I have whiplash at the end of every ride
    *raises her eyes *
  8. I nod .....
    I have found Harley riders hardly ever nod as its uncool obviously .
    The most arrogant bunch are BMW GS riders.
    I was riding home on my monster in the snow and not one if the arrogant gits nodded back .
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  9. I nod, not at mopeds though.
  10. I like the way the French do it

    Tres cool

    Shame we can't do it here without slowing down :-/
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  11. Depends how fast I'm going
  12. I nod at everybody except Harley Ferguson owners :biggrin:
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  13. Have a few Harley riders around Carlisle always nod, most of the time get one back. Don't know if its because we all usually park in the same area in the town center.

    It would seem I'm not the only one that neglects the kids on scooters though.
  14. today in the drizzle hour ride up to bromley from haywards heath i nodded lots at proper bikers . i blank scooters and slowley davisons ,not that is saw one of them there was rain about !
  15. I get nodded at about 80% of the time when on a big bike, when on the Vespa, almost never :rolleyes:

    Harley riders NEVER nod !
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  16. I nod to all on 2 wheels
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  17. I only nod at 1990 ZXR750 riders. That's MY 1990, not 1990 reg.
  18. That's far too broad a spectrum. I can't believe you nod at both red bikes and green bikes. You must get a sore neck :upyeah:
  19. Hey, I don't want to appear elitist and exclusive now, do I? :upyeah:
  20. I nod at everyone except cops :smile:
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