
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by luckymarine, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. I nod at everyone and very rarely get nodded at back.

    I think it depends on how the other rider views riding as to whether he nods or not in return.

    I ride for fun, I view other riders as people who feel the same way I do.

    Jonny GS, who rides his bike to work every day, is probably thinking about what he is having for dinner rather than how fun it is to ride his bike.

    That's what I think any way!
  2. All the bike cops nod at me. To be fair most of them know me:frown:
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  3. I nod at pretty much everyone including Harleys, GSs and scooter riders, except if I'm way too distracted e.g. at a busy roundabout by keeping my eyes open for traffic.

    Today's scooter kids could be tomorrow's Ducati owners, and we ought to try and make them feel part of the broader biking family. That and the fact that Paivi once rode to my rescue on her Vespa means that I have nothing against scooter riders. True, GS and Harley riders nod back less frequently than many, but I've had reciprocal nods from both.
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  4. I read on a mostly American forum about nodding; it made fascinating reading. They can actually tell at an instant which make, model and year of bike is coming towards them, and nod accordingly. I suggested that, being fat and solitary, they should make as many friends as they could, but I got flamed...
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  5. If it's powered two wheels, I nod.
    If there is a group or riders on older (classic) bikes I just put up my hand, old style :)

    I nod to acknowledge a shared interest not to be noticed, although it's nice :)
    #25 LAW13, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2013
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  6. I remember my first nod as a Fizzie rider, some random on a GS1000, it was the proudest day of my life when he tipped his head towards me. Now I'm a proper hardcore superbiker, I make damn sure I nod at the local chavs on their B-Wizz's. They are the future, whether you like it or not.
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  7. I nod to every one. most return the gesture, and wave frantically at BMW riders to make sure they've seen me, they never nod or wave frantically back :mad:
  8. Hmm, fair point.
  9. Never mind the nodding, what about the assistance? The last two times I've broken down on my bike (Ducati both times...) I've had sod all help from other bikers. Sat at the side of the road with a puncture, a little old lady in a Nissan Micra stopped to offer assistance, which is more than the group of power rangers that overtook her did...
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  10. Showing my ignorance, but how do the French do it? And please no one come out with the old joke about rolling their R's
  11. why, you're nodding all the time on here though Fig - and goodness knows how you don't get tennis elbow..
  12. They just drop their left hand to a low wave or two-fingered salute, very cool. Not so cool when you ride on the left...

  13. Stevie Tea - the French wave involves sticking your leg out rather than waving with your hand or nodding. Didn't see as many French waves as expected when touring last year.
  14. Droping/dipping your right foot is a recognised "thank you" once you've overtaken a car which has pulled over for you (lifting the right hand/wave is not understood), bikers acknowledge each other with a "V" sign (as in Victory not the other one) and you'll also find young and old pedestrians doing the same as you ride through the villages

    The V sign is upside down salute type thing where you put your hand down (clutch side in France as on left if you get what I mean so would have to take hand off throttle in UK) - this is what they use instead of a nod
  15. As i used to live on the Continent for 12 years, i sometimes forget to nod, but waves with right hand instead :)

    If filtering, and a car politely (occasionally) do make extra space, i often use the foot out as a kindly gesture, too.
  16. I do make the effort to thank cars that pull over with the left hand, unless I've somehow got myself in a dangerous situation.
  17. I nod at all two wheels, including mopeds and scooters. they're on two wheels and tackling the same traffic we do and, as already mentioned, they don't all progress to Astra's, Seat's etc. Never really thought about who nods back, generally get ignored anyway.
    Always acknowledge drivers that move over. I like to think that makes them look out for the next bike and the next thank you.
    Love it on the continent, yes the low wave is great, shame over here it means taking hand off throttle. Also noticed leg out is when being overtaken as well. actually I use the leg out when filtering over here and really don't want to take a hand off the bars (thinking rush hour traffic - why do they call it rush hour when the traffic is almost stationery?)
    #37 DaffyDuc, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2013
  18. I ride with my eyes shut using the pot holes as a form of brail so if ever i don't nod it's cos i didn't see you.
  19. I can now rest easy, now I've read a nodding thread. Thanks guys :rolleyes: Just tax disc and tyres to gen-up on now.

    I thought it was going to be better, I thought it said Modding.
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  20. Or Froggy Style ;)
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