Air Con Query...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ian, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Hi,

    I’m just wondering what the best thing to do with car air con at this time of the year. It’s not needed for cooling (obviously!) but if it’s not getting run regularly will seals start drying up and leaking? Is it still the power hungry beast of old, that knocks a decent size percentage off the mpg? I was thinking just running it for a decent spell every so often - say a hour or so weekly? If it’s damaging it / promoting leaks I’ll happily just run it all year round but right now it seems pointless!

    Any opinions please? I’m pretty sure there’s a few wise refrigeration/ automotive engineers on here, so thanks in advance!
  2. I use mine in winter more than summer to clear the moisture off the windows.
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  3. Oh crikey, you’ve opened a can of worms with this one!
    Brace yourself
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Fookin hate Air con... i removed the drive belt on my Jaguar a couple years ago and fitted a smaller belt, happy days.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  5. We all hate him but what's that got to do with your Jaguar? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 6
  6. Just leave it on....does it actually make any difference unless you’re driving all the time?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Time to wake up @AirCon
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Ok, I'm here.:yum
    Let's assume it's a recent'ish vehicle.:bucktooth:
    Gone are the days of either ON/OFF car ac with an electric clutch.
    On small engines the start load was so great it could stall the car!

    Now you may or may not have a clutch, however the load (on the engine) changes with demand for cooling.
    The wobble plate (green plate below) can change it's angle, this effectively changes the swept stroke of the pistons, thus the volume/flow of hot gas to the condenser. Once this hot gas is cooled by air flow over the condenser this produces more or less liquid refigerant for cooling.
    When no refigerant is required the plate is "in plane" or flat to the front of the pump, thus the pistons do not stroke during rotation. As demand increases the angle of the plate increases causing the piston to stroke for each rotation.

    The seal that must be kept wet with pump oil is on the front shaft end of the compressor (behind the belt pulley and hence not visible). To a lesser extent it's also the o-rings at each mechanical joint.
    Running once a week in 30°C weather and once a month during the UK winter is more than enough to keep the internals and seals lubricated.
    Please note the lubricating oil should be added whenever the refrigerant is recharged and always have the dryer changed.

    So use the ac function to rapidly demist your vehicle, the settings are automatically selected on most modern vehicles.
    A correctly installed, serviced and regularly used car AC system won't leak or require top ups (which is a whole other issue/post).
    AIr Conditioning will dry the air, so it may cause issues with soft tissues, eyes and skin.

    It's worth noting that as your ac charge leaks to atmosphere the temperature at the dashboard grille will rapidly drop, in some case to below freezing, however you won't have as much volume of cold air, mainly because the bit you can't see behind the stereo is turning into a big ice cube.

    Please warn me if you see an angry (but sensitive) irish man with a big Jag belt.... he doesn't like me.:eyes:
    #8 AirCon, Nov 21, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2019
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  9. Fekkin Jaguar!? Thought you were a commie? You’re worse than 2 Jags Prescott!
    • Funny Funny x 5
  10. yes he gave me one of his, true socialist for ya .......
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Thank you very much Air Con, that’s very helpful!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. I can see greta's banner now, disconnect your air con now and you can drive a jag too :D
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