I visit the "Lounge" for a little spice, and stimulation of the grey matter. Pete1950 is one of the gamemasters with a sharp left pointing stick and sometimes a blunt legal logic. Adding an interesting take on many topics. There is a Sheldon like characteristic to him: Sheldon: Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don't you think that if I were wrong, I'd know it? Sheldon: Why are you crying? Penny: Because I'm stupid! Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad. Keep using the stick Pete (and thanks again for the cable ties!). Conclusion: IN Cranker V2 - Lighten up (if you are not just sparring)
I get the feeling Cranker is doing exactly what Pete likes doing, posting a provocative thread, lighting the blue touch paper and sitting back to see what everyone's response would be. I'm sure Pete appreciates the well considered irony
I think the point Cranker was making was to do a 'Pete1950' style thread, I don't think the point was to really see who is or isn't in Pete's gang.
internet forum=debate you get out what you put in you dont like ............you turn it off you will always find people with more intellect and people with less .........same as wisdom and knowledge life is to short to argue get out on a bike or stick your thumb up your arse now have headache from thinking too much .................ohh +1 pete
If I want to dig someone I will call them a cock and give my full name and address. It was not a dig at Pete1950 at all. I find the threads he has created fun and informative. The views of some people are very surprising of course, and a real eye opener. I am not a person who gains pleasure in unveiled digs. Well done on Pete for his well mannered and considered response
What's this alll about! Pete's not gone upset Someone in the DSC has he ? You know! upsetting Teflon over club accounts etc LOL
some will walk the beach and have all women go wild, others will drag their elbows taking corners. Pete got intelligence...so we all have talents... isn't nature a wonderful exercise in balance?... as to upper and lower. isn't it more a case of more and less of one thing and another.. and let's be gracious to those who are limited in talent... for they are truly poor..
FFS Matt......delete this effing topic (please)........this isn't what a motorcycle forum is about. AL
As I expected, a sensible and informed reply. I don't know Pete, but would like to meet him and join in a discussion over a pint or two. He is far more knowledgable on a variety of subjects, and I'm sure I could learn an awful lot from him. When I made my first post on this thread I didn't expect it to run for as long as this, nor did I imagine that it would produce such a wide variety of responses! As has been said by many, if you don't like someone's posts then don't read them, but no-one should be banned from the forum as its a place for us all to debate our ideas and learn from each other! Cheers Pete, I hope to meet you sometime soon, along with the other wonderful folk on here! I may struggle to get to NZDave and one or two others, but it doesn't mean that money permitting I would ignore them! We're all on here because of our love for our bikes, lets hope that never gets lost! Chris