Icon Service Advice Please?!

Discussion in 'Scrambler' started by Nemer Kharroubi, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. My 2015 icon is nearing 2k ( i know, i know blame the previous owner).
    The timing belts are due to be replaced at 60 months according to the manual.
    Will i need the special Hz tool to tension or is there another way?

    I also need a chain advice, what type and length please.

    Also, with regards to spark plugs, which ones and how many do i need?
  2. The easiest way to tension the belts is with an app on your phone. I have good results with the Gates Carbon Drive app, available for both Android and iOS.
    The chain is a 520 and length is 104 links, although if you are thinking of changing to a 44t rear sprocket 102 links would be better as it gets very near to the end of it's adjustment.
    You need 2 spark plugs - NGK DCPR8E
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. Many thanks
  4. #4 Mark9, Nov 21, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Yes it was so much cheaper than the usual price I was concerned it could be a fake, but mine arrived and it’s clearly a genuine DID, comes with split link and solid link, I don’t have a rivet tool so it’s ideal for me to fit it with the split link and ride to Cornerspeed for Neil to fit the solid link for me.
  6. £38.39 with the discount code :)
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