I know, yer a tory. torys openly support and seek the help of the political wing of a paramilitary terrorist organisation. I suppose I should respect your honestly at least.
no, younger than you. but I still remember what yours did to us. and what they and you intend to do to us just to secure your Brexit.
effectively you are willing to sell your soul to get Brexit done. you don't mind who the torys are willing to do deals with because of your fear of foreigners.
no, I see how it has rotted yer brain and skewed yer perspective. I am going for a walk up a new hill, (to us, its actually been there for a v,long time.) with my family. a family you are hell bent on denying the same opportunities you had. because you don't like foreigners. you will happily see them buy our business and take their money, but their people can ram it. tory boy.
In Scotland fin, the snp are laying it on pretty thick that Labour cannot be trusted, should never be trusted. Labour in their manifesto say about indi in their manifesto page 85 Labour believes that Scottish independence would be economically devastating and it would be the many not the few who would pay the price. Scotland needs the transformative investment coming from a Labour government, not another referendum and not independence. And yet during the leaders event the other evening, Corbyn was cornered and said at least not for the first few years. sturgeon was asked about his answer and her reply seemed to be, he is saying no indi vote in public but I know better who should you trust on this?
My biking colleague asks a good question. Anyone know who is on the side of us few bikers here on the forum?