Pete1950 Vs the rest of us normal non elitist types.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. Hah, you wouldn't catch me going there when I could be at my Wife's Cousin Patrick's 50th Birthday. I can't wait. It's at a golf club and everything.

    Shoot me.
    Shoot me now. :frown:
  2. Bound to be snags! Have fun
  3. I'm off to Bristol you coming Pete1950
  4. Can you bristol me too, DB?
  5. Of course you coming Loz
  6. Not unless you bristol me first!
  7. WTF fuck is a bristol,is it like a fisting?.....:tongue:
  8. I don't know, speno, but I am hoping to find out!
  9. big high 5 to
  10. Allo , just checking in ....... So ...err ..... What's occurring weasels
  11. Viv has big hands better take a litre of fully synthetic with you.:biggrin: And get one of those comfort seats for your ride home
  12. Always good advice but ... has everyone forgotten what bristols ​are?
  13. What's bristols :-/
    What am I letting myself in for :)
  14. :-D
  15. Who is this .......
  16. No, but I guess that makes us gentlemen of a certain age then Loz.
  17. Ah yes, John, you're right. Us old folks shouldn't be up late and getting confused by all these young'uns.
  18. Have you never watched a "Carry on" film?
  19. boobs!
  20. Yes when I was young and innocent
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