
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by luckymarine, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. My friend got done for that over here
    Also "Leg indicating" .
  2. I nod to all bikes and probably about 80% of them nod back... including HD riders and police officers :)
    I nod back to moped but don't nod first... The way I see it is that bikers usually ride because it's their passions. Most moped riders do it because it's a cheap way of getting around and they often don't given two shits about cars, bikes etc....
  3. I don't nod, i don't know you and you could be a right pillock for all i know................
  4. Should have gone to spec-savers...

    Can do that before you rest easy!
  5. I nod at the cops and todate have never had one not nod back. Had one come over to talk to me in the petrol station and he was the original laughing police man. I went on my way still grinning after ten minutes chatting to him.

    Regards Steve
  6. Is nodding for those with fragile ego's. Or acknowledging fellow comrade bikers, pitted against the turbulent and oppressive times of riding on two wheels in this, the modern times of Smidsy's, dearer road tax than cars, having to take your helmet off when fuelling up or what are the prettiest tyres to fit?

    Sod all that, I wave to those who are walking down the street when I am, who are wearing the same colour coat as me. Because at the end of the day, it's just someone else doing the same thing as me.
  7. if its a bmw should we give the hitler salute? oh and if ducati should we give a casual Mussolini wave.
  8. If there's a group of say 3 riders obviously out together, you're nodding, but to all 3 or just the first?

  9. Now then, that wasn't so hard was it.
  10. Should you nod, or do a fake wink & head-shake? What's considered more polite?

  11. I don't know, originally just asking people what they do.
  12. used to nod to most two wheel riders but not realy hairdyers
    when had a 6 year stint off bikes i then found hardly anyone nodded back like they hadnt a clue what you where doing
    as for bmw riders can they move their head and steer at same time
  13. I can't help myself I would do all three
    ;-) ET cue ......
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  14. I must ride in Herefordshire more often.... :wink:
  15. Bloody insatiable!

    To all the other people here who claim to nod at some people and not others, you're either elitist or lying, or riding so slowly you can actually tell one bike from another...
  16. Yes it's very friendly here
  17. Why not? if I'm walking in my village (or anywhere not over populated) I say 'good morning/evening' to the people I walk past and most of them do the same, try it, it doesn't hurt.
  18. I used to nob a lot in my early days but age has took hold and nobbing has become less frequent.

    Ps I apologise for my dyslexia as per usual
  19. Hahaha I should think your worn out
  20. I nod everynow and again in London, mainly to bikers that dont look like couriers. When out and about I try to nod more, especially if I see a learner biker. A sort of welcoming them to the fold sort of thing
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