I can assure the Forum that, when discussing Government, Civil Service and the like - in the event of an expected reduction in staff getting turned around at a later date, the number of staff *not* lost is treated as an increase in staff. The first time I experienced this, I thought my chain was being pulled, but no - a reduction that doesn't happen is an increase.
I believe this new mathematics is now acceptable. It raised it's head recently when you may recall, the brexit party became the largest single party in the eu and brexiteers pointed out this was a mandate to leave once again. The lib dems, and others who wanted remain claimed, no, the brexit party had not won because if you added up all the parties that lost, that would be a bigger number than the brexit party so the losers had actually won...even though they hadn't.
Maybe, but it’s easier to go back and check now. In say 5 years time when Tories are saying we’ve added 50k nurses it may spark a memory and it’s easy to look back and realise they didn’t really. Like with the extra 20k police. It’s not really adding, it’s more admitting they shouldn’t have reduced the police by 20k.
Yes absolutely agree with reviewing how well they perform in achieving these pledges. I would put the 20k police numbers cuts down to May/Hammond and was a cut too far!
I think the police cuts will be seen as ‘Tory cuts’ regardless of who did it. Thing is will politicians change, or carry on like this - losing more and more respect almost daily.
Welllllll ... you could try voting for different politicians ... I guess ... No. Second thoughts, stick with what we normally do. It's bound to work out one of these fine days!
The ones that don’t promise undeliverable stuff, never lie and only care about the good of the Country. Ok I’ll vote for them.
and where are they on the ballot paper? Meanwhile we only have the usual choices, what shade of bad we want. Damage limitation is all I hope/vote for due to the lack of a real alternative choice, that has some hope of being elected. It is “Catch 22”.
not realy. he may well of belived you shouldnt lie. but with his record outside the war years he deffo wouldnt want us knowing the truth.
You are silly when you're cute. At this stage, I would vote for anyone who isn't Con/Lab/Lib/SNP. If my postal ballot comes through in time, I'll vote UKIP or Independent or MRLP or anyone (since idiot Farage removed my TBP option in favour of idiot Nick Gibb). If there's no one apart from the mainstream parties on your ticket, I would vote NotA (ie spoil the ballot). Or Alan Williams. Yeah, think I would scribble Alan Williams on the ballot and put a cross against his name. That'll teach him. There's a lot of chat in the ether that voting is "not the search for the perfect life partner," it's a case of choosing the best candidate, or the least worst one. I suspect that this idea is being sponsored by the mainstream parties ... there is in fact no "least worst" amongst them, they are all of them the nadir of human evolution and worthy only of scorn, ridicule and noogies using a a shit-smeared spiked glove.
YES - Vote for me. (I’ll bloody teach you to gamble away my house, once I have POWER). I get that it’s unlikely to find a party that I’d agree wholeheartedly with, but I’m struggling to find a candidate / party that I think is worth voting for.