Hi all, I'm looking for a nice red 899 with low mileage, low owners and full history local to Essex but will to travel if the price is right. contact me on this forum Thanks James
I’m considering selling my 2015 red 899 panigale. One owner. Perfect condition. Full Ducati history. 3800 miles. Termis , comfort seat and cowl etc. You won’t find a better one in terms of condition or history . Pm me if you interested
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 10k for a 5yr old bike! When it was only about 12k new. Have to love some people’s optimism.
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/153735000471 If its for track, a low ball offer on this would be worth a punt. Hasn’t got all the toys, but that should reduce the price too
July. Full service history. Tail tidy, stand bobbins, paddock stand, nearly new tyres. Tank sliders. One scratch about 6cm long down to the white on the left fairing. And took about a month to sell. 10k is hilarious.