I don't believe in coincidences that much....... Waco Texas 18th April 2103.......Fertiliser Plant Explosion A couple of days ago 15th April 2013..........Boston Bombings 18 years ago on 19th April 1995........Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy McVeigh; said to be in direct response to the Waco Siege / Massacre which ended on 19th April 1993 It has already been suggested by the Feebs that Boston was close to the anniversary of Oklahoma and Waco. And once again (like on other 'terrorist action' days) a special security operation was taking place during the Boston Marathon. Makes you wonder......... AL
Wont know till there's a full report on the fertilizer plant. But by their very nature an explosion at one of those places is about as rare as a nuclear reactor going into meltdown! Such are the safety precautions, anything volatile is either kept far away from each other or stored at a temperature that renders it pretty much inert. Although an external explosion on a tank of ammonia would probably be enough to set off quite a catastrophic chain reaction. An yes, it did make me wonder.