Boston Bombings

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. And another thread gets closed.

    *cue whingeing - They closed our thread! *
  2. Too soon Fig.........I think.
  3. @ Phil - you are absolutely right. @ Fig - Sorry - not funny...

  4. Lets hope not, I'm running it
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  5. I see things like this and have two initial thoughts; pity for those caught up in it and them what over-the-top, liberty-restricting action will be taken by the govt to allegedly reduce the risk of reoccurrence
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  6. Okey dokey, I'm obviously playing to the wrong audience here. Shame, cos I've just been texted a pearler about Texas...
  7. Stick em on the joke thread, they will be well received on there ;-)
  8. I'm slightly surprised. Normally a slightly sick joke is the British way of making light, we feign moral indignance while forwarding the joke to a friend. I wonder if the jokes would be more palatable if the explosions were in India rather than America...
  9. I think we're all just fed up with the fucking lunatics Fig ,(although reports say the Texas thing looks more like an accident).
    Making a funny every time is tiresome.
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  10. We takes our choices and each of us has our own "sick" humour threshold. No indignant noises here, Fig. I'm sure El T's love of septics should bring a run of Boston and Texas jokes on the joke page.
  11. I wish I could be more sensitive in this case, but I feel there are a hell of a lot more families grieving the death of a loved one at the hands of American aggressors than there are Boston families grieving right now. God rest them all. Of course, the NRA will be fully loaded and ready for more guns is what we need.
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  12. You cant blame the runners or the US public for the crimes of their leaders. Remember, its not exactly a democracy now, is it...
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  13. Or Afghan families for being in the way of friendly fire...
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  14. And they deserve the same respect and consideration
  15. Point taken.
  16. Surprise, surprise.........So he won't be talking will he?

    I wonder if the other one will end up the same.

  17. Excellent result:upyeah: Now for the other one..............................
  18. Need the other one alive really , to torture him to make sure thems the baddies. :mad:
  19. So far they are American , now Russian Islamic extremist ... One poor bloke was a keen runner had his drinks and food in a backpack had his photo splashed over some newspapers with " please catch this bomber" he was mortified and had to go to the FBI to say that's me I'm not a bomber.
    Strange they stated in the area and didnt leg it after what they did.
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