School holidays to be reduced

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by catweazle, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. With ministers proposing the reduction in school holidays will they set an example by reducing the over generous holidays that MP's get. I think it will be a case of don't do as we do, do as we say.
  2. Highly unlikely they will set a good example! Government, not schools, is the first place I would make a cut,....... preferably with a Guillotine ;)
  3. As someone who works at a school ( no my holiday is not paid ) they can f right off!!!
    By the end of a half term the kids are climbing the walls and the teachers run ragged .
    It's knackering.

    There will be a revolt from staff if that happens.
    Why not streamline a curriculum better .
    Why not remove all the pointless paperwork that's bogging the teachers down so they can plan and teach better?
    That's what they need to do.
    And who is creating this pointless paperwork " the government " it gives more over paid pointless penpushers. More piles of paper to push about departments And get paid loads of money for doing jack .
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  4. Give the kids more holiday.... Less dopey f'ing tarts in people carriers on the roads.
    Teachers can pick litter during their hols...:biggrin:
  5. i think Teachers are the only ones who work hard, they deserve to have 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 2 weeks off every other month or so.....
  6. Reports I've seen of Michael Gove's proposals about school term and vacation times are extremely vague and woolly. Pupils attend state schools in England for 190 days per year and teachers attend for 195 days per year (190 days contact plus 5 days non-contact). It is not at all clear whether the proposal is to increase the 190/195 figures, or just to rearrange the dates on which they fall. Impossible to evaluate whether changes would be good or bad until we have some clue what the changes might consist of.
  7. I always thought school staff were revolting (Hellcat excluded most defintely)


  8. Nah.........conscript them all into the forces at age 6.......

  9. The proposal probably has more to do with politicking with regard to the strikes the teachers unions are threatening.
  10. Nah, package them as beef, and send them to Findus........
  11. Pretty much like every other half baked ill considered poorly administered idea they propose.
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