Talking of riding bikes I was out on my 996 sps the other day and stopped for fuel and some chap came over for a look and took a pic and said" I'm amazed your riding it, most are locked away in museum's " I just said it's a bike needs to be ridden.
One in stock now for sale at £38k large ones.|iid:1
@Exige It's a very nice bike but I know what you're saying it's a difficult one to promote plus add something different from the existing R version as not really like the true original foggy / race history etc.For me i would rather spend my money on the first time around batch.IMO
DH Superbikes are not an authorised UK dealer so my guess is that’s not a UK bike. Likely sourced from a European dealer and imported. Andy
Same was said about the Speciale but Sheffield go hold of 2 from Germany. Most dealers would have ordered one just on spec. I believe the ‘European’ financial model for Ducati is the same as the UK so the dealer would have had to pay (actually a loan) for the bike at delivery so with no customer there is an incentive to move it on, even if that means selling outside the network. Andy
I guess the alternative move is if you're a well heeled dealer just sit on it until a high roller comes along.
Manchester Ducati have one. It was offererd to me yesterday, but unfortunately I'm no high roller, so it's still sat on it's paddock stand if anyone wants it...