There is no doubting whatsoever about BJ truthfulness, what is very disturbing is the acceptance of 70 members on here knowing this fact and accepting it. BTW the poll on here is the only one i have referred to.
Another BoJo master class!
Don't forgot all those who didn't vote and who were thus content for the majority vote to decide the issue. They lent their support to whomever came top of the poll, so more than 70%. Much more.
this is why yous old cvnts shouldnt be allowed to vote
fuck this shit. i'm voting labour . IN an acknowledgment of the SNP ’s dominance in Scotland, Ruth Davidson has pledged to go skinny dipping in Loch Ness if the party wins 50 seats at the General Election.
aye, and when tidal wave hits spean bridge it would be all over for the mother in law. which case...
a dinner date with jeremy cobyn, the second place person gets two dinner dates with him and the third position gets a dinner date with diane but you maybe some time working out the bill
There should be about 13 million Labour Postal Votes in by now. A dozen Tory Postal votes. Enough to get a feel for the result, I'd say.