Confidence, placebos and mumbo-jumbo

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Indeed. Nowadays it is difficult for GPs to prescribe the traditional coloured water/sugar pill types of placebos, because doing so has come to be seen as unethical. So homeopathy, although objectively obvious rubbish, turns out to be useful after all - it provides a mechanism for giving placebos to patients, possibly to their benefit. The question remains, though, whether giving homeopathic "remedies" is itself ethical, given that they are based wholly on implicit deceit. What do you think?
  2. ok,now what is the answer to your question,and your way of thinking?(you never told us).
  3. Quite that is one way of putting the question. Are you a relativist or an absolutist then, Loz? Leave the response until tomorrow!
  4. Seems to me that homeopathy is essentially Witch Doctor v2.0. Nextgen placebo, with a back-story to lend the practice a veneer of respectability.
    History is full of examples of the old story, re-packaged as a new story.
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  5. Well of course it is, I take that for granted. So given that homeopathy is essentially a lie, can it be justified nevertheless, in the cases I have defined?
  6. Early days yet.
  7. your reply to every post comes with a question(or.?).i must admit,i like your even had a thread named after even got me once(well done).:upyeah:
  8. You haven't defined the rules yet, Pete. Besides, I thought I was meant to leave the response until tomorrow :smile:
  9. tested!
  10. But what happens if he goes out and kills himself by trying to go faster because you have told him its better now. Have you then murdered him .
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  11. Put simply your asking whether a lie works or not and is it justified.. Answered simply yes it does sometimes, so sometimes it's justified.
    What more do you need to know.
  12. I like this question :smile:

    No, don't ask me to answer it
  13. Ar, more bike talk then :rolleyes:

    The level of judgemental attitude on here is astounding given how much some believe their intellect is considerably above most others

    Fill yer boots fellas :upyeah: I'm looking forward to some racing tomorrow
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  14. Reminds me of the VR46 years at ducati!! thankfully he did not kill himself :smile:
  15. Bradders, My £'s are on MM cleaning up in texas ?
  16. Oulton tomorrow, watch Phil hopefully break top 5...MGP Sunday after a few miles on my bike. Decent weekend ahead :)

    Just dont tell the missus ;-)
  17. Hmm, remind me to ask some philosophical questions in Bradders' threads about levers and grips and such. I imagine he won't mind :smile:

    As for judgmental, I thought it was only Americans that struggled with the concept of irony :upyeah:

    Still, awesome to get permission to fill our boots. Result!

  18. truth told with bad intent worse than lies you can invent...or something like that.

    I know if I was on my death bed I would want everyone around me to lie through their teeth.

    oh and on the subject of placebos im currently taking tramadol and co codamol 30/500 and I must say its supper dupper.
    #38 idrinkbeer, Apr 20, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
  19. Every different situation requires a different approach, and must be treated as to it's merits, so my answer is - yes and no, to all the questions. :wink:
    #39 NZDave, Apr 20, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
  20. To have a fear if the only way to re address that is to say the bike is to a better standard and the rider goes out and gets better lap times then that lie has to be a good one.
    To be fearful in an illness to be given a chance to be pain free by anyway has to be a good lie though hands on therapy with a poorly person is a way for them to relax and feel pain free maybe for the duration of the treatment
    The mind is a powerful tool and can be played with for good purpose and bad.

    When your in a part of your life that fear and pain and dying is scary then to tell a lie to buy them some peace time is a good thing

    Yes it can turn the other way and only bad can come of it then that's a different senario and one would have to question was it the right thing to do at the time.

    To put the question to would I feel more confident by being told that my bike would never lose the front end and I would be safe first time out after my accident by someone I trusted then the answer to that would be yes to lie would be a good thing for my confidence
    Would I hold them responsible if it went wrong... No because I help make that choice to go out
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