Jerez - Spoilers

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Ducati Forum News, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. That was awesome!!

    Biggest surprise is Hayden in 3rd, RdP on the CRT bike in 10th ahead of 3 prototypes including Rossi in last. The track was dry. Crutchlow did really well too in 4th

    Rossi's got problems :lol:
  2. Thats rich coming from you mate :)

    Rossi fans twist everything ;)

    all im doing is quoting BSN who obviously get quotes off multiple riders NOT just singular twitter feeds from a couple of sources.
  3. What the Fuge that was well erm different. If it goes like this a race or two more I can bet Hayden will say I want to be the lead rider. Go for it Nicky.
    Honestly I am now loosing my confidence in regards if Rossi still has it, his bike and Nicky's might be different but not 10 places different, surely?
    I am now thinking if incident with 58 did not screw VR's head up without him realising. Nothing bad meant by that just it happens.
  4. Thing is, skipping arm pump issue just the actual reply here TP. His attitude is I am doing enough to be better for now so why try harder.
    He even finds an excuse for a valid reason why to do some long runs.
    "Then we have fuel consumption, if we're struggling with fuel consumption, then maybe a long run can give us a more clear idea, but at the same time, you calculate it for a certain amount of laps and you know what the fuel consumption is going to be"

    Well I am sorry you do 10 laps and are lucky to have clear track with wind working with you, good tyres so less spin-ups, you are not as tired and bike is still quite new and perfect in every way. Your fuel coonsumpiton will be different if all those conditions were reversed. Not to mention error in programing of fuelling system, it might starts to restrict your power to save petrol so you can finish the race. Unless you do a long run from full to almost empty you will be in essence using untested software. Only long run can show if the bike will not start taking more petrol after thrashing, error (new design feature) or because tyres are now less grippy it spins more often or just make more mistakes. Even if short runs worked for you well in the past will it kill you do to few long runs to show everybody you was right?

    Hell I would make few long runs just to make sure the thing does not blow up under me, for all I know engineer designing something had a friday day. I kind off think it would also help him wear in his gloves ;)
    #24 Lucazade, Apr 28, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  5. Matt Roberts tweeted... No Stoner isn't moaning!!!! about the lack of New NEW tyres and having a pop at bridgestone...
    For Bridgestone to tweet... We have made available 2 off the new front tyres for all riders to try. We advised that full allocation wil be
    available at silverstone..

    Matt Robersts then retweets This for His mistake for sticking up for moaner once again

    Bit like blaming Dorna for MSMA for cock up's over the years!
    Maybe Matt Roberts feels a right cock this weekend!!!
  6. Has Rossi left Jerez yet ? He needs to go!
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  7. Hmmm, I get the feeling he's really only knocking around because his contract says so....if he goes I reckon it's gonna cost him millions.

    Sad but true I feel
  8. Good to see Cal sticking it to the big names.

    Hayden showing Rossi the way to go.
  9. If it rains raceday and Rossi still doesn't do well,then yes he needs to go!
    If it's dry and he finishes 8th or worse he needs to go!
    Actually he needs to just f*** off

  10. I very much appreciate your consistency!

    Now what Ducati needs to do is find a rider who can

    Develop a bike
    set up a bike
    win races
    win championships
    sell t shirts
    bring in sponsors
    and be the marketing mans dream

    Thats all they need to do. Must be a doodle. These guys are 10 a penny.
  11. From post qualy press con
    VR on his crew: "They have the same problem. They've spent 30 years turning bikes into winners but none of their tricks work on the Ducati"

    VR said that his riding style is not suited to the Ducati and nothing he tries seems to work... worrying times for both

    Nicky Hayden : "The GP12 has the best potential of all the Ducati I've ridden untill now."” I think that is a compliment!!!!
    #31 Imola, Apr 28, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  12. Will JB and co get replaced this season ?
  13. the sooner the better.
  14. Hayden proves it is the rider, not the bike. Simples.

  15. Not Rossi the womble then? His reputation is in shreds, he looks so lost it a crying shame. Stoner not at his best this weekend, but his worst far outclasses Rossi. Crutchlow a revalation And Hayden rubbing it in..............

    It's just like WW2, the italians on there own going backwards. Well done Hayden....
  16. Vale looked like he'd given up hope 30 mins in when chatting with JB. I think it'll be impossible to come back .... Gavin Emmet
  17. For me this race is a decider. Rossi knows that if he quits he will loose money but worse of all he knows he will not get another ride. If he gives his all and finishes top 6 in front of Hayden we have proof he is trying and if not well as said he is circulating for cash only.
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  18. He's looking to be sacked/let out of his contract imo

    He'd of walked already if he wasn't tied in water tight and now for once in his life he hasn't the power to do what he wants , this comes with big money moves.

    Its a classic case seen multiple times over in all sports:

    Things aren't going right so:

    Blame the manager - Check
    Blame the equipment - check
    put less effort in - check
    publicaly state commitment to adhere to contract - check
    publically down play everything - check
    publically boost the competition - check

    Its all a waste if bloody time and frankly was a piss poor move in the first place.

    Great development lads, you haven't a clue and now your saying that publically what may I ask is the point in your further involvement? You say the team can't give direction although you say what you ask for isn't done???

    Prima Donna
  19. In all fairness your post is anti VR full stop!

    JB IS THE MOST SUCCESFUL TEAM LEADER EVER ask doohan, spencer, gardner................... and so on!
    Maybe the duke will finish off VR like it did to Marco M, Checa, and so on.
  20. I hope not, I'd hate to have Hayden turn up for the last three races of the season.
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