Knobhead that punched the Police horse

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Arquebus - Whilst I appreciate the sentiment of your comment, and at the risk of sounding naive, personally I would like to see a time when it is not actually necessary to deploy riot squads into town centres to deal with drunken, moronic, benefit-fiddling brain-donors who's idea of a good time is to damage property, injure other people and ( occasionally ) punch horses...
  2. I fear those days are long gone. The bobby of today bears little resemblence to the ones from the 70's and 80's. In my early days, late 80's, if you needed a slap you got one, end of story. Things changed an awful lot during the nineties to the point today where the Police are regarded more like social services and warrant little respect. The back to back Police documentaries which are rounded up with £25 fines at the end really do not help things. I tend to avoid watching them as they make the veins in my neck stand proud lol!
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  3. JR45, we all would! As Arquebus says, I would much prefer the Police to smash these hooligans rather than stand there heading bottles and bricks.
  4. You just aren't old enough JR...........nor am I come to that, but in Queen Vic's day, they even sent the riot squade to batter the hell out of the tin miners in Cornwall.......

    ...........there will always be disturbances etc, but whether they are strikes in a good cause or simply drunken a*seholes; it is obvious where the heavy hand is needed.

  5. What's the horse got to say about all this. :rolleyes:
  6. Vivien's hamster?
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  7. @ Bradders - how many people will get that one? Probably only the old ones... :)
  8. Think you'll find most on here are too OLD for the reference ;)
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  9. And some young ones!!
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  10. bring back the birch
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  11. Done.

    Thora Birch

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  12. Coming from one geordie to a to another , Dickhead , Geordie . I would stick him in a small room with the rider of said horse and see how hard he is then. Come to think of it stick him in the kitchen with my mrs she'l whip him.
  13. OOOH dearrrrr or deeeeerrr I cant remember which
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  14. When I was a wee bit younger, there was always an unwritten rule that if you were involved in a punch up with the police at the footie, and you lost then you just accepted it. However, nowadays people complain left right and centre, everyone has a mobile phone, lots of CCTV etc. Thankfully, I'm too old and fat to work the footie anymore.
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  15. I got it.............
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  16. So did I :frown:
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  17. Erm, not 40 yet and I got it too. :wink:
  18. Typical football fan....quote from Mr C

    Hmmmm typical quote, I suppose you put all Germans in the " nazi box" or all Muslims in the " terrorist box"

    i would say your comment is typical of a cock
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