So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. 560 miles round trip to watch mates racing. Good fun too and mate make a couple of steps forward :)

    And just eaten huge chinese..yum
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  2. I tried to take a look at the fuglystrada's clutch today, but my knee is still giving me aggro and I couldn't kneel beside the bike. So I settled on a bit of light gardening and a few pints instead.
  3. I 've just had a lazy day ,I've worked every weekend for the best part of a year now, not all day but enough to use up the best part of it , and it just hasn't felt right today not doing anything. In fact I've sat down and dozed of loads of times and feel I've wasted the day. :frown:
  4. Was due to detail bike and go to show and then drink and BBQ.
    2am crippling chest pains and couldn't lay down on my side.
    Took painkillers and waited.
    3am ... Agony.
    Rang doctors and was sent to hospital.
    I sat crippled up in a chair for 4 hours.
    Got pain relief.
    Had X-rays given pills and said could go.
    Doctor started going on about my stomach.
    I said one I can't take those pills
    And 2. What's this about my stomach I came in with chest pains ?
    They had mucked up my notes.
    Whisked back into emergency care.
    Was hell..
    Woman screaming for 4 hours :(
    Heart stuff came back ok .
    But young GP said after checking me over I think it's your gall bladder.
    So finally got discharged waiting for a scan now.
    Not allowed to drink alcohol and immediate low fat diet.
    Not pleased.
    Seriously never had such crushing pain.
    DOC said yup feels like a heart attack and often like your dying.
    Great :(
    No more Guinness :(:( sob
    Got to really get to grips with a diet now :(
  5. If scan confirms it means gall bladder will be removed and more time off work and won't be doing a lot for a while.
    If keyhole it's not to grim.
    But my mum had complications had to be opened up like bloody autopsy and has scars right from top of torso to bottom.
    Anyone had this done ??
    Or partner ???
    Bit worried as pain was worse then giving birth and I did that with no bloody pain relief!!!!
  6. I feel better now.

    Sorry . that doesnt come out right after your posts HE11 .
    Wish you health.
    #5606 peter james, Apr 20, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
  7. There you go Fig, I've amended it for you! :upyeah:
  8. The ugly ones are more grateful:upyeah:
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  9. Got up really early for a Saturday to get over to Gordano for the ride in to the Bristol Italian day, there was frost on the cars and grass Brrrrr. So on with the thermals!! Rode through heavy mist to Bristol but the sun was soon out. Baked over in Bristol, why did I think thermals was a good idea??, met Char then popped into Fowlers. Elected to walk the dog rather than watch Bath play Leicester, I expected a slaughter but blow me, Bath won by a point!! Then usual housework, session in the gym, chinese takeaway and now watching Lewis. A good day really and our first out on a bike this year, felt good.
  10. Hellcat, sorry to hear this, I hope they get you in quickly.
  11. Rode the Multi from Gloucester to Land's End and back again. Starting out for John O' Groats tomorrow.
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  12. Good to see you today Bradders! Glad you eventually made it home :upyeah:
  13. 4 bike shops in a day finishing with Ducati Aylesbury and a burger. Booked the first service for Wednesday and then I can open her up !
  14. I went to Oulton Park to watch the bike racing.

    Here's a (very) short movie of Sam West beating Jakub Smrz.

    Sam at Oulton - YouTube
  15. That sounds no fun, Melcat. Hope you are better soon. Gall stones?
  16. Correction...460 miles, it just took me as long as 560 coz the feckers shut the m6 for an hour and half while I was on it! Already had a failure again with lever this morning :rolleyes: and had to sacrifice a bright18 deg day on bike ot go out with missus...penance for y'day
  17. Finally got the clutch done on the fuglystrada - hopefully. Can't ride it cos it's not taxed and I'm skint:frown:
  18. been taking tramadol, so not really functioning completely correctly (ruined myself installing new suspension on a mates Caterham 7 yesterday) so now trawling the internet considering my next speculative purchase. I'm really liking the value for money the Zane Laverda's represent, it would make an interesting bedfellow to the Ducati, and I really cant see it loosing any money at all, as a decent one can be had for under £3000.

    I think my ideal 'collection' for reasonable money would be the 900ss a Laverda 750 formula, Bimota SB6 or DB2 and a Ducati 400ss or Morini Dart 350

    Of course there would be room for the CBR 600 as well. The best bit is that Bimota aside, none of them are especially expensive bikes - they will represent a total investment similar to a new ZX-10. Best bit is that in 15 years time they will be worth a lot more that a 15 year old ZX-10.

    I do think when I get back on a bike I'm going to be a very slow rider, as i'd rather ride slowly (on the road at least) and minimise the chance of another impact on my lower body, than not ride at all.
  19. Out of that lot I'd have to pick the Morini, it's got a cracking little engine, much more torquey than you'd expect of a tiddler (I had an X9 trailie for a while). The Laverda 750 formula was a bit of a shonker build-wise and is a bit of a liability from a buyers' point of view - a money pit in other words; the Bimotas are hard to find and even harder to buy bits for, and the Junior is flat as a witch's tit. Seriously, my mate had one, and I could run rings round him on my MZ...
  20. There are those who go exclusively "track" in similar circs. All the fun of riding fast with less chance of a SMIDSY.
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