Looking For An 848 Evo Cse/1098/1198

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Snaps, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Looking to buy an 848 evo corse se ,1098 or 1198 .
    Cash waiting Sussex area .
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  2. Hold out for an 1198 you won't regret it.
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  3. Agreed....MEGA STOMP.:upyeah:
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  4. Buy one of these. Best looking bike on the planet and more than enough power on the roads

    848 6.JPG
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  5. Nice looking bike
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  6. I miss mine :(
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  7. I miss my 1198 untill it started go wrong in a big way.
  8. What went wrong with it
  9. Is it for sale then lol
  10. @shakeys dad couldn't get to the bottom of the starting problem, both fork seals were blown, engine was leaking oil , I was advised that the engine needed to come apart due to the starting problem but I didn't want to spend any more cash on it so traded it in.
  11. I love my 1098, but I have to be in the mood for it. :) The thing is far to mental for the road really, and a lot faster than I need it to be. :motorcycleduc:
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  12. What sort of starting problem did it have mate?
  13. There was a lovely 848 evo corse? Black red grey one in Hayballs in Salisbury

    not sure if still there might be worth a call
  14. What's the reg so I don't end up buying it lol
  15. Just looked but not on there website so prob gone
  16. @Snaps il pm you mate

    @yellowducmaniac it would just turn over and over but not fire up. Threw everything at it .
  17. Except a can of petrol and a lit match ;)
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  18. Thanks mate I've already had grief with a 1098 that I got a refund on so you have just saved me another headache
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  19. My 1098R wouldn't start after I bought it. It's highly tuned and the previous owner had into JHP for the same issue. It had a new harness, dash, ECU, coils and a lot more and they thought they had solved it.

    When I bought it, I had the same problem shortly after and noticed a strong smell of fuel too. Taking the plugs out, they were soaking wet. I couldn't sort it, my dealer couldn't sort it and I was on the verge of breaking the bike, I was that fed up with it when I noticed that the 1098R had a 14A battery in place of the standard 1098 12A battery. As a last throw of the dice I put an 18A lithium battery in it (with a set of @Exige 's starter cables) and it's fired 1st time ever since. My thinking is that as it was cranking over, there was not enough power left in the battery for the coils, so the plugs weren't firing, hence the flooding.
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  20. I bought one earlier this year that had a starting problem, ended up getting a refund. The dealer has it on ebay now for sale again but not sure if he got it sorted
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