Today's little trundle out...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. ....fired it up, and off I went.............1) 1/2 mile from home, someone pulls out of their driveway without looking......just missed me 'cos I saw him in time.

    2)......1-1/2 miles from home........45-50mph along a B road riding sensibly.....about half a metre off the white line.......high banks and trees on the left...........without warning an effing great black lab jumped down the bank into the road.....missed him by what, 6".........If I had been going slower, it would have had me off.

    3)......15 miles later on a dual carriageway........happily trundling along in the outside lane overtaking a few cars.......then some t*t pulls out from the inside, didn't look, didn't indicate and I'm right along the outside of him......fortunately I was wary of him anyway and moved away in time.

    4)........20 miles done and turned off a dual carriageway onto a B road behind two BMW riders riding quite fast........well, f-me, I haven't seen such bad road positioning and overtaking..........I kept right away from them.

    5).......30 miles done and some t*t was heading a line of cars with me well behind at about say 35mph.......he then passed a side road on the left and stopped car hit him up the a*se and another just missed that one.......Memo to AL......must find out why my rear brake locked up so easy.

    6) .......35miles done.......had enough by now and pulled onto my drive.......mowed the lawn instead.............bloody sight safer than biking today.

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  2. Every time I ride my bike it makes me feel great to be alive. Even better to be still alive at the end of it!
  3. Jeez Al, that sounds like a really bad day out! Glad you got home ok and hope Glynis is getting better. Chris
  4. I've seen some puzzling, idiotic and down-right scary stuff on my regular home-to-office commute ... but that, Al, takes some beating. Good decision.
  5. That's the clincher Al, i'm staying at home for a bit, and will wait for everyone to wake up a bit !!
  6. Me too, providing it stays dry.
  7. Al as soon as the suns out so out comes the twats!!!!

    I just went out to check the bikes and yup problem with back tyre :(
    So either I have a slow puncture (can't see ) or valves buggered :(
    Fed up ..
    So will be chucking bike in for service soon.
    Hope it's not a new back tyre!
    Last one got puncture in a few weeks roofing nail :(
    This one had puncture seal in it as well so I expect I need a new valve!
    Last time I took it for new tyres at local bike shop they left out my conical spacer on rear and coming down A14 my back wheel locked up and bit into swing arm :( nearly killed me.

    So don't think il bother with local tyre people again :(

    Other one needs service and trip to MCT for shock to be shortened.

    Itching to go out today!!
    Can hear lots of bikes!!
    Tried to move bike and OUCH!!!!!
    So fed up and miserable at home.
    Gutted .. Just want to be out on my bike!!!
  8. I can relate to that on a daily basis especially serial 4.
    My commute into london from Kent is always a challenge but like you good observation and defensive riding is key to a successful outcome.
  9. It's not April 1st is it Al, you have a Ducati that locks the rear brake !!
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  10. Not kidding.............although my footrests have now been moved back 45mm and up 45mm, I thought it would have put more weight towards the rear and less on the front.........having previously used the front brake more then the rear, I wonder if the movement of weight more rearwards made front braking less than I expected (it didn't dip the front as much as usual) so I hit the rear brake harder.

  11. I liked the way you wrote it all down. Everyone of us has had days like that. Glad you made it back safe y-day and I hope the lawn looks good today :smile:
  12. Got bike out and thought I would go up to Matlock . However I didn't make it. Today was one of those rare occasions when everything clicked and I just didn't want to get off. Stopped at utoxeter services cause it has a Starbucks, right off costa at the moment. Filled up with fuel and a coffee and set on my way again. Rode around Ashbourne etc avoiding stopping at darley moor and made my way back home through repton and ticknall. I'm very pleased with the Pirelli Angels fitted. Back in time for the gp
  13. If you want tyres fitted, go to Autofit, Brittania Road (Woodbridge Road end) and ask Adie to sort it for you (or Dave if Adie isn't there)............Both are bikers and know what they are doing but Adie is more hands on.

    Much cheaper if you can take your tyre and wheel to them though......

  14. Years ago on my Guzzi, I went through Uttoxeter because had to work at Alton Towers (I bet nobody else has ridden all around the grounds on a motorcycle) and when I left after two weeks, I decided to call in on some relatives in Burton on I used the countryside route all the way (don't ask which road numbers) and it was 'kin brilliant in sunshine all the way.

  15. was the day when your skills and obs were tested, you made the grade and are now entitled to step up to the next level

    enjoy your celebratory beer :upyeah:
  16. Didn't you have a problem with tyre last week too :(
  17. What bikes were the beemers - hope it weren't me mates lol!!!
  18. Christ.........I don't know what models Ducatis are other than Ess-esses, let alone BMWs (apart from my mates 1600 bus)...the nearest BM I tagged onto had a Hertford dealer plate, I think.

  19. Having been riding bikes legally since 1968, I thought I might have made the grade long before now, seeing as I am still just about alive............but f knows how.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Ar sansei Arquebus
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