899 Flashing Dash, Fan On, Won't Start - After Washing

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by camelfarmer, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. Hi all.

    So I washed the bike 2 days ago, like I usually do with a hose and soap etc. Started it to ride it into the garage, and then removed the left fairing to replace it with a new one. The next day, after polishing and waxing it it wouldn't start. Tried leaving it to dry a bit. Tried charging the battery. Tried a new battery. Nothing worked.

    So what's happening is, the startup thing the dash does happens, and then the dash flashes, no gear is shown, the fan runs. Pressing the starter button does nothing. I can go into the menu and the batt screen shows nothing. No errors are shown. The lights, indicators, and hazards work.

    I can only assume water got in during the wash and damaged something. I'm gonna have to get Riders of Bristol to come collect it and diagnose it.
    The worst part is I was cleaning it to put it up for sale as I'm off to Australia at the end of next month/start of February. So I don't have much time to fix it and I just wanted to get it sold.

    Any ideas/suggestions?
  2. Isn't there a plug under the seat that gets soaked when washed?? Think you have to dry that out first.
  3. Yep the bbs unit under the seat, unplug and blow out the pins and socket. they are shit and the capillary action just draws water in
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Thanks, I did have a look at it, but didn't dry it out. I'll try a gentle blow dry tonight.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. It’s a bit of a pig to unplug but doable. Don’t saturate it with wd40 or the like just blow dry it.
    Mine always used to play up and the dash looked like Blackpool illuminations
  6. Do I just pull it? I can't figure out a smarter way to remove it.
  7. It’s held in to the frame with the rubber outer shield, push the whole unit down in to the frame, remove the tank bracket at rear of tank to make it easier. You can then unclip the unit and with a bit of jiggery pokery you can remove the whole unit in its rubber sheaf from the frame.
    Then take it out the sheaf and dry it all preferably overnight in the airing cupboard.
  8. I've always found it helpful to keep a tin of compressed air normally used for computer work, to help blow out excess water with electricals. Seems to give the right amount of blow if you know what I mean without being too excessive in power. Just a few examples



  9. £1500 as it's a non- runner? cash waiting!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. I'll raise that to a total of £1000 :)
  11. Yeah I got it off with a bit of brute force and ignorance. Dried the connectors. There’s a white connector underneath that looks like it would get wet, but I can’t fit my hands in to unplug and dry off. I’m at work now, so the wife is gonna put it all back together and see if will start. If not she’s gonna call riders and get it booked in. It’s usually her MV that won’t start...
  12. Yeah I know what you mean. I haven’t got any handy, but I’ve given anything I can see a good blow dry, and it’s been airing in the garage for a couple of days. I feel like it’s not gonna be an easy fix though this time unfortunately. Might cost me a few hundred quid or more just to get it back to how it was before the damn wash.
  13. It will be the problem but yes it’s a pain to get unplugged. I never washed my panigale again after I sorted it. Just used to wax it.
    Really poor design. Having a major component as part of the controller area network that sucks water in is a joke.
    Good luck with it
    • Like Like x 1
  14. So update from wife.
    Got everything plugged in and the dash was normal. Tried to start it. Turned over a few times but wouldn’t start. Did that a couple of times and the dash went back to disco mode.
    So she’s unplugged and drying everything a bit more. We will turbo get that white connector unplugged with pliers or something later if it’s still an issue.

    Edit: so she turned it back on and the dash is now back to normal but it won’t start. The starter motor is going and it’s trying but the engine isn’t catching..
    #14 camelfarmer, Dec 27, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  15. Sounds like the battery could do with a boost or charge as there's been a lot of tries to start + disco-lights action, so coil volts a bit low as it turns over perhaps??
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Yeah it’s on the charger now. I have he new battery there are well, haven’t taken it back yet just in case it is partly a battery issue.
  17. Get that battery topped up as you may have flooded the ol girl trying to start it
  18. Gonna give it a rest and let everything dry out until Sunday and have another go with a fully charged battery. If that doesn’t work I’ll have to call riders on Monday.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. So update: riders picked it up and diagnosed it as water ingress. Nothing damaged. So I suspect they just had to clear the error. It’s running fine now. Cost me £200 for labour and £10 for delivery. Fair overall. I’ll be putting it up for sale soon if anyone is interested. Thanks for all your replies and help.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  20. Hi, I have exactly the same issue with my 959!
    Did drying out the BBS fully resolve the issue in the end?
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