More Money For The North

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ash34, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Not in my house
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    The undermining of our traditional education systems, which has gone on longer in Britain, but which in the New Age of political correctness seems to have gone into over-drive here, is now a very grave danger. It threatens the collective memory of our society from which its habits and even its identity flow.

    When a Stanford University English professor describes Milton as “an ass [and]…a sexist pig” , and when Shakespeare is only on the syllabus of Duke University (in the words of another professor) to illuminate the way seventeenth century society mistreated women, the working class and minorities–I think we can say that university education is effectively coming to an end.

    We should be warned. A society only needs one generation to abandon the task of learning and transmitting its culture, for that culture to become an alien, lifeless, irrelevance.

    A powerful, radical left-wing clerisy is bent on destroying what every past generation would have understood to be the central purpose of education–that is, allowing (again in the words of Edmund Burke) individuals to “avail themselves of the general bank and capital of nations, and of ages” .

    No amount of fiddling with structures will alter what is happening. Only by ensuring that we have the right teachers with the right training and the right ideas will we stop the rot. Otherwise, the cultural revolutionaries with their jarring cacophony will drown out for ever what Lincoln called “the mystic chords of memory” .


    1997 Sep 28 Su, Margaret Thatcher.
    Speech to the First International Conservative Congress.
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  3. About time.
  4. I’d bet you’d do her!
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  5. Have to agree, some wise words there.
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  6. Cheap food cheap booze football and two weeks in the sun.
    The rest you can simply make up.
    Recipe for state control.

    What me, cynical?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Is this the strangely attractive thread
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. Don’t forget the mind numbing shit that the government employs the likes of Simon cowell and his chums to
    Infect the telly with also don’t forget the amount of self appreciating celebrity nonsense on tv. then stick in the ability for “owning” a brand new car on pcp.
    don’t forget that most of them can say when my dad was 30 he never had a brand new car so I must be doing better than him.
    Idiots. But unfortunately they are becoming the majority these days. holiday on the knock dog on the knock car on the knock phone on the knock. Every fucking thing on the knock.
    Wankers are ruining everything for people that could actually be bothered to save up and wait
    • Agree Agree x 5
  9. They are not technically a waste of money of course.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. Nothing technical about it!
  11. It's very easy to be rich and then rant about how people may choose to finance their lives, it would seem.
    Some people use finance because it makes sense, some people use finance because they want to be flashy, and some people use finance because they cannot survive. I'm not sure why it matters to you how people fund their lives?

    I always fail to understand how the older generation cannot grasp that the world moves on and changes. On one hand people seem to complain that the education system no longer teaches kids about some old bloke who wrote a poem; yet then criticises that the system doesn't teach children how to act or live in a modern day world? Not really enough time for both whilst sticking in some times tables and bunsen burners. Not aimed at anyone in particular but I see stuff time and time again on a few forums including this one.
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  12. My main worry about education is that it has morphed in the past few years from an imperfect system whose broad purpose was to teach kids how to think ... into a relentless machine that teaches our children and young adults *what* to think.

    That said, I never learned anything at school about the true difference between saving up for something as opposed to getting into debt for something. My father tried to educate me on that but he was a famously poor teacher (even if he was a good engineer). School mentioned "compound interest" in a lesson one time but it never explained what a pernicious thing it could be if you are in debt.

    The problem today would appear to be precisely that children are being taught "how to act and live in the modern day world" instead of how to think critically. This will likely prove fatal to our society over the course of a few generations.
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  13. Problem with most finance is people know longer want to graft to buy stuff , its the same here all the whingers complaining about the price of houses all while they still have 2 holidays 2 cars and rent a 2 k apartment a month while saving a deposit for said house ? These kids are supposed to be educated seems to me there thick as shite , I'm 43 not ancient not young but at 46 I'll have my mortgage done business premises done and a few other bits ! I see mates who will be 70 before there done but its cool cause they have a couple of omega watches and a merc on pcp
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. It’s a sad state of affairs alright.
    Poor education standards have coincided with a flood of consumerable tat
    Financial mechanism are now so finely tuned it’s almost impossible for some folk not to get hooked.
    Society has always has its hero's, gladiators, dart players and the like, but it’s the old devil Murdock and his Media Machine that flaunt them to the impressionable ones who feel inadequate as a result.
    It’s a self feeding monster and if you’re daft enough to get on, be sure to get off quick, or else you’re just riding for an inevitable fall.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. The USA is about 20 (30?) years ahead of us on consumer credit...
    When I worked there in the early 90's everything was sold on tick.
  16. It’s sad, we always seem to follow their shallow lead.
    Maybe Gunzenbomz has a point?
  17. Jasus id not say ahead !
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Well done. And the rest of the 90% of the population will continue to travel to work, so need a car, rent, because they can’t afford a home deposit even the rent is more than a mortgage would be on a home, or pay their mortgage until retirement because they bought so late.

    you seem to operate in a world that most, 95%, dont.
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  19. Simple fact is that SE, and they mean London when they say that, as certainly my old town Gosport is just another shite town where joblessness is a problem and traffic even more so, take mist of the money.

    cease investment in London to zero, let the mayor raise his own cash, and give it to everyone else. It’s not just big projects: bus routes that operate often even though they make no financial sense would do more for productivity in the north and anywhere outside of London and f*cking billions on a railway only the rich can afford.

    back to basics.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  20. Should have saved for a house instead of prioritizing gap years holidays travel flash cars and doing shit they couldn't afford ! Worked my bollocks off 80 hrs a week through my teens twenty's and thirtys so I could chill when I needed to in my 40,s so all the 95% princesses can suck it up no such thing as a free lunch !:joy:
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