
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by luckymarine, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. you passed him whilst on the back wheel :tongue:
  2. Heh. It would have been worth turning around and following him, just to do that very thing :wink:
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  3. Well I gave a bike copper a nod today even though I had a illegal visor on he nodded back. I think he was busy admiring my brand spammers, just picked up from the dealer, hypermotard sp....
  4. Nice one! :D
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  5. After two days riding around Hampshire and Sussex this weekend, I nodded at every two-wheeler and got a nod back about fifty percent of the time.

    I have to say, I am struggling to cope with my own indifference on the issue :wink:
  6. Same here.
    I find that HD riders rarely nod back, but coppers always do.
    BMW riders usually nod, but maybe that's because I'm usually on one :upyeah:
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  7. Maybe HD rider are concentrating on other things then like a) keeping the beast rubber side down b) looking at their reflection in shop windows and/or all the chrome around the headstock
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  8. I think i'm going to start particularly waving at the police. I'm sure most are bike enthusiasts and I bet they don't want to be shunned. If you wait for them to wave first, though, you could be waiting a long time.

    Will they think it's ironic waving and find something to pull me up for?
  9. This, just don't want to give them any excuse.

    Saw the police in the local Ducati dealership yesterday all I heard was "yea we'd have to get decals on it" so I assume Cumbria are getting their bikes from Ducati.
    Made me a little ill.
  10. Italian police have had Ducatis for ages. Witness the Pantah TL.
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  11. What's wrong with nodding to the old bill? I see them as bikers, same as me, except they get to ride in all the shit weather I sit out in the van. I reckon they deserve a nod.
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  12. I was waiting to cross one of the roads in Bristol and a biker waved us over and instinctively I nodded back :-D
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  13. I stopped at the two mills Honda garage car park today cos I saw a fella sat on the floor next to his yellow giddier, just to ask if all was well, it was and he was actually pleased that I had done so....

    a full day out round the Wirral/ Chester, I even took the wife on the back for an hour...she loved it....

    all round happy day
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  14. Most coppers I know ride and are bike lovers, had one tail a group of us round the South Downs a few years back....he pulled us after 20 mins .......only to give some advice on corner positioning......if their advance riders course is anything like the advance for cars I have no doubt most can bloody ride well.....never had a drama with bike cops, will always give a nod
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  15. I've ridden with police riders a couple of times when they've been in civvies. They can get a "wiggle on" no problem :biggrin:
  16. Funny enough I rode to france with a bike cop, and was hoping to pick up some riding tips. But he was fkin useless, had to keep slowing down for him. Not what I was expecting.
  17. Im sure there will be bike cops that do it because they love it, go to track days in their spare time etc etc.
    An then there will be some who just go to work, ride the "company" bike and hand out tickets with a frown.

    Was once totally oblivious to a police chase involving myself, from South Molton to the base at Chivenor. Police Volvo coming down a hill to a roundabout just as I was going the other way, was a 60mph speed limit so gave it some beans up the hill but only to 70ish and he was well past me going the other way.
    Apparently he drove round the roundabout and after me, coming into the next town I saw 2 police cars heading in the opposite direction with the blue lights on, took no notice.
    Was stopped at the roundabout to the base by a cop stood by his car. Was informed that the Volvo had been trying to catch upto me for the last 15 miles....

    As it turns out the guy was a biker himself, understood that I was able to filter whereas he'd had to wait for clear road but found it hilarious that I'd been totally oblivious to it all.
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  18. The sweeney live for a good chase. The one who pulled me for doing 145 said it brightened his day right up...
  19. Bit late on this one. but for what it's worth.. Do nod to bikers. Happy to nod to Coppers - esp' after free Bike sure(?) day with Leics constab' (free ticket for this from last year's Ducati day at Donnington) - brilliant! Happy to say hello to anyone who braves two wheels these days. All this fine of course, as long as dodgy arthritic neck holds up! Steve
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  20. Nodding dog here too, but I can't bring myself to nod at mopeds though, don't know why it just feels wrong.
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