Ah, humans can fight back maybe. Apex animal and all that. Bring him here to Oz, we have a few animals he can fight. Ok, maybe some are reptiles, some are mammals, some are rather large fish, no matter, they are still under the animalia family. Maybe he can have a tab at our big bitey lizard we have here. Pffft.
dunno but this is a typical footballer although I think things have moved on a little last time I attended a match it was Watford and Elton John was sitting on the side lines
Even the palyers are at it. Luis Suárez bite does not affect his Liverpool future, says Ian Ayre | Football | guardian.co.uk
Everytime Newcastle play a Birmingham side there is always a load of their foul-mouthed, loud and ignorant supports come into my little town which is about 20 miles from Brum getting tanked up before the match. I wish they would grow up and go back to Newcastle or stand patiently in line at the ground. I just can't see what the attraction is of being in a crowd like that, must be an insecurity thing.. Makes me ashamed to say my dad was a geordie. And have you seen what is front page news today? Some overpaid pansy in a red shirt biting some other overpaid wally in a different shirt, big deal.
people who dont like football, tar all the genuine football fans with the same brush as a few idiots, ive been watching footie on and off since i was a kid and can count on one hand any kind of incidents ive seen involving violent behaviour and we a talking nearly 35 years, the media fuel all this kind of crap
Baton rounds, water cannons and if they feel like throwing petrol bombs, then flame throwers to ignite the things in their hands. Anybody that puts a scarf over their face to protest is intent on anonymity, and therefore more than likely will intend to cause trouble. These people think they have rights. Peaceful protesters exercising their right to free speech have rights, and if there are armed or armoured police thronging the route they should have nothing to fear. However, be he a thug or some posh bouffanted harry styles-alike twat of a student complaining that his skull got caved in when he was caught in the full glare of the camera with a covered face, throwing and punching out to the police, and then bleating that a riot baton struck home?... do me a favour. The saddest thing about this is that if he'd been punching a police officer all sorts of questions would have been asked about whether the officer was heavy handed to begin with - but as it was a horse, uproar. I am fully behind arquebus on this. Anybody who stays on the right side of the law should have nothing to fear, but if the intent is to cause damage, loot, burn and injure on the back of a 'peaceful' protest then they deserve everything they get.
I love animals too and just to show my affection...... every day I kick the shit out of my dog and watch my wife bash the shit out of her pussy
Having been a season ticket holder on the Koop for the last 13 years I take offence at people " generalising" and placing decent people in the same box as the fuckwit who hit the horse....as mentioned in the thread....all bikers are hells angels? Revert Muslim is a suicide bomber? It would appear to be the case going on mr c comment that this moron's behaviour is typical of a football fan. Of course the minority always get the press for all the wrong reasons while the majority shake heads in unison. We do not want the bad old days of the inter city firm, we do not want the bad old days in Europe where Leeds fans were stabbed.... the majority, and therefore the typical football fan simply want to go see a game of footie with family and friends... the typical fan shows respect when a minute silence, or of late applause, takes place, even when it's in memory of an opposition teams loss
Whilst I can appreciate what Kev and thespionkop are saying - I have been watching motorsport of various types for over four decades and I can count on the fingers of one foot how many times I've seen violent behaviour at, during, before or after an event... All football fans are not the same. But the fact remains that the moronic troublemakers do seem to attach themselves to football... And I don't buy the "it's because they are pasionate" line either. I have yet to see fans of any sport anywhere in the world that are more pasionate than Italian motorsport fans, and I've never seen them have a riot because their team lost...
And while I concur with much of what you say, Italian football fans ( the mindless minority) rate as some of the most violent and organised hooligans in the world. These loonies have shot dead a policeman and carried out coordinated attacks recently on Tottenham fans. Some fans stash their " tools of the trade" inside the ground with the knowledge of the club officials. Your right JR45 it saddens me that this stigma exists whereas in many other equally passion enduring and sometimes legally violent (mma, boxing, ice hockey) it does not!!
You could add Rugby, Gaelic football, Aussie Rules football, (possibly even American Football), Roller Derby, and probably lots of other sports to your list too... All hard-fought games on the pitch, but not in the stands...
Football is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with the world. Greed, disrespect for authority, win at all cost, breaking the rules is OK as long as you don't get caught, conspicuous consumption and it is OK to shag your team mates girlfriend. A terrible example for the youth of today and young boys in particular.