What an unmitigated tosser that man is, the latest Cox ism is spot, as in 2 spot 5 seconds What is it with that man that he can make such a mess of the English language and infuriate at the same time. What the hell is wrong with 2 point 5 seconds.
The man is a knob and that bloody duck of his gets right on my tits. Cox is the only reason that I don't watch the coverage on BBC. There's so much negative comment about him, God knows why they keep him. He's an arse. He knows nothing. He's annoying. Sack him.
I dont think parrish and cox are too bad. now withams sidekick is fuggin useless....seldom the correct information during a race....witham is always correcting him
Do you mean Jack Burnicle? He's been around the paddock for years, highly knowledgeable. Im sure his dad was a racer as well. There have been plenty of anti Cox threads in the past and there will continue to be anti Cox threads in the future. Personally I like both the BBC team and the official Dorna team of Nick Harris and Gavin Emmett (you hear them on the iplayer for Moto3 and Moto2). Witham and Burnicle seem to be having fun, so their commentary is fairly engaging. I still don't like the Eurosport chaps and I dont care how much they know, they just grate on me. Back to topic thou. Yes Cox can be a tit, but I dont have a problem with him or Parrish for that matter.
The 'host' of BSB on Eurosport? He's okay, IMO nothing special thou. There are better presenters out there and I personally think James Haydon holds a mike better than he does. I certainly dont hate the bloke, so good luck to him
or his continual marking out words with his pen...and tbh Whitham too much over the long commentary stints Hayden is pretty good to, and Hodgson adds some great insight into riding at the top and what the riders do and think Am on the side of Capt Barnicle being bumbling, bit too much for me tbh. But...how hard must it be to ty and find someting to say hour after hour on the full day stints?! Mind you, can think of a few members who'd make easy meat of waffling for hours...
The man is hopeless as a commentator and the BBC really need to make changes to their team. Get Jamie Whitam on there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why..................... Video: Five minutes with James Whitham - | Motorbike reviews | Latest Bike Videos | MCN He's just a cool Dude, loves his bikes, loves his racing, knows his stuff and is down to earth. Go on BBC, you televise a sport you know nothing about, you broadcast it to people you know nothing about. At least give us a presenter who knows his stuff.