
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. I can read you a story part time :-D
  2. Up all night Saturday
    Day later 6 am just starting to feel tierd
    Fed up with it .
  3. I only woke up a couple of times during the night. Result :upyeah:
  4. And it's back. Been awake for an hour now. And I have got a real heavy day ahead. :rolleyes:
  5. been waking up every couple of hours
    got up at 5 thought it was 6 bugger of to brizzle in a few hours bbq after hope lm not too knackered
    Steve B
  6. I've been up for an hour :rolleyes:
  7. Too much viagra?
    • Like Like x 1
  8. And it's back. Been awake for an hour and a half now. And I have to drive to Aldershot in four hours for a meeting.
  9. Been awake since 3 and still can't shut my stupid head off! Shit weekend racing with the boy coupled with making people promises some time ago to keep them happy and realising that for filling them shortly will cause me nothing but hastle.
  10. I know what you mean. :rolleyes:
  11. Fox must have young again around us, woke us up at 4
  12. I was woken once by a hedgehog. I cannot bellieve how loudly they eat. It sounded like it was in the room with me.

    Current round of sleeplessness is me waking up an hour or two (or more) before the alarm - BLAM wide awake and spinning my wheels. Happening most mornings now. Hates it.
  13. I have overslept this morning :-/
  14. So whose sleep have you stolen, then?
  15. Exactly!

    DB is for it :wink:
  16. Hehehe I stole all you guys sleep
  17. Oh..... Am I now mr Loz ;-)
  18. DB, you know you are :eek:)
  19. I'm looking forward to meeting you
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Tart! And you stole my sleep, I'm sure :wink:
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