Parking ticket issued by City of London, but its wrong

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. I got issued with a PCN by City on London yesterday for my Kawasaki. On the ticket the reg is one digit out and the colour is wrong. The signage was there, but as it was 04:40 when I parked there is was still pitch black so couldnt see it, but I'm going to appeal under as the ticket issued is invalid
    Has anybody done this before?
  2. Just write back and tell them that there must be a mistake as you don't own the vehicle with the registration in question.

    Personally I wouldn't give them any more details than that; you don't have to tell them you were actually parked there, or that you have a motorcycle that is one digit out, different colour, etc. Just state the facts in relation to the information (letter) you have and let them get on with their job.

    PS. I am not a lawyer and my advice is worth what you paid for it. :wink:
    #2 antonye, Apr 23, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2013
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  3. If the reg number is wrong, how are they going to find your name and address for the vehicle when you don't pay - who are they going to chase?
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  4. As Borgo says, assuming they do not use photographic evidence?
  5. Nowadays parking attendants routinely take and keep a whole series of photos related to each ticket they issue. Whatever you write to them, assume photos exist. If you say something which is proved false by photos, you look pretty silly.
  6. Unless a ticket/reminder arrives at your address then why do anything, surely incorrect vehicle details won't find you?
  7. i have seen them taking pictures of my bike, the plate and the VIN in london

    i think you are right, if they write the wrong plate number, i think its an instant fail and they write of the ticket

    i have found this place useful when i have had to challenge tickets in the past
    PePiPoo: Helping the motorist to get justice

    i think antonye approach is best, challenge the ticket on the grounds that your vehicle reg was not parked in that location at that time simple as that. its up to them to prove it was which they wont be able to.

    don't forget and respond outside the 14 days limit this will only push the fine up and give them more reason to harass you. i have found that as long as you reply within date and keep an aggressive but polite dialogue going, most tickets get written off in the end.
  8. If they have sent you a ticket in the post then they obviously have the correct registration number somewhere......

    ........the fact that they have put the wrong reg, no. and colour on the ticket means the ticket is invalid......

    ...........but the moment you raise this, all they will do is issue a correctly detailed ticket.

    But if I were you, I would write back to them and tell them that you don't own a vehicle with that number........(Keep the incorrect ticket though)........and then see what they do.

    PS...... A decent solicitor would have the ticket scrapped.......if you can afford a solicitor.......although he might get his costs from them for issuing an invalid ticket.

  9. I would expect that if you challenge it they will know who you are. They can then argue that a small typo does not excuse your offence and please pay now.
    Ignore it until and unless a letter arrives recorded delivery at your registered address.

    The operator will only bother to check any photographic evidence if you alert them to the fact that they might need to.
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  10. Well they claimed my bright green ZX7 was in fact blue. Im not saying I didnt park there but when I called the automatic payment number today, the reg was wrong, so I didnt continue.
  11. What colour does your green bike look like under the monochromatic street lights in London, Matt?
  12. For what its worth, under English law, a parking ticket is a legal statement and any defect in the information to be laid before a court renders that allegation useless unless steps are taken to correct the information before proceedings.

    Also request a copy of any photographic evidence they may possess in order for you to "prepare your defence"

    A colleague of mine parked a works vehicle on double yellows and got a ticket.

    The lying warden stated on the ticket that the tax disk was obscured and unreadable. The miniscule windscreen glass details were intruding right at the bottom of the disk. To make matters worse he further stated he was parked in one road when he was in a totally different road. Challenged, cancelled.

    I would await further correspondence then challenge the ticket on that basis. If the warden cant do his / her job right so be it.
  13. It was 07:30, so it was light at the time, but yes it could look blue under street lights at night
  14. Which is exactly what they will do................unless of course they haven't retained the correct details, which they must have had to be able to send you a ticket in the post.

  15. Was the ticket stuck on the bike, or did it arrive in the post?
  16. How much is the fine?
    I guess you have to weigh up the cost of paying the fee against the agro of challenging it.
    After all, you said you were parked there. So, if you were going to try to 'get off', you can only argue the case on a technicality. I know it's a kick in the pants and I hate parking restrictions but is it worth the hassle?

    As previously said, tell then you don't have a bike with that description and if they issue a new 'correct' ticket, I'd just swallow it and pay.
  17. Many years ago I successfully challenged a parking ticket issued in Garrick Street, Covent Garden because I'd parked on the grid of glass block pavement lights. The warden had issued it on the premise of obstructing the pavement, however I'd recently learned that pavement lights are "easements into the public highway" and so only the landlord can object to your parking on them, they therefore do not form any part of a warden's jurisdiction. Also, outside pubs, for example, you often see the sawn off stubs of railings (collected for smelting towards WWII war effort and never replaced) again, these denote a property boundary - not part of the highway, as does the building line of any other building, so if you can establish where that is by deciphering other clues, you have free parking in Central London, or anywhere else!
    #17 Borgo Panigale, Apr 23, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2013
  18. Stuck on the inside of the screen

    £65. I tried to pay via the automated service but the auto system has the wrong reg. Basically an O instead of a U
  19. If it's hand written, could it be just bad handwriting?
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