Have Almeria booked end of April, first Euro trip and due to schedule may be the first time I get the V2 on track as stillage time is right after the running in service. Have bags of leave to take, Cartagena or Estoril in May? Estoril looks the bollocks I'll be honest. Any of you gents in the know got any recommendations?
Cartagena is in the middle of nowhere and the facilities are basic. That said, it is a technical track with no long straight. It was my first foray into track days in Spain so it is a special place for me. Never been to Estoril. I notice from the advert, you are being chucked out of the hotel on the morning of the last day on track, something FE do and which gets my goat. The last thing you need after a day on track is to have to drive to the airport. Whichever you choose, try and get an extra night so you can get home rested. Andy
Yeah I've had to do that for the Almeria one, we've booked another night for when the t day ends. 40 squid each in a nice place tbf it should be alright.
Aye I saw that deal, having some financial humility and realising I'm not quite at 3 different euro tracks in a month yet lol.
I've done both. I will never go back to Cartagena but I will be going back to Estoril at some point. If I remember correctly the hotel that NL used was not that great. Golf resort hotel?
Estoril. Never been but I've been to Cartegena. Cartegena just needs some caravans plonking in the infield and a few chickens and goats running about to complete the look. Yeah, Estoril
Last time I went with FE, they had been asked not to return to the golf resort after “guests” (er drunk bikers) urinated over one if the 1st floor balconies. They used the Carlos located in the industrial zone which, whilst clean, was too basic for even 1 star. It did have a nice bar by the front entrance but that was closed the second time we went. Andy
I went with FE too. There some proper thug types from London with tats all over their faces ffs. Big twats too. Full of steroids and menace. They were flying about in the dark with those golf buggy things pissed as farts. No one intervened..... no wonder
No limits also dont do the last night in the package...you have to pay for an extra night if thats what you want/ Im not doing an extra night at Portimao in April... but i am later in the year, sometimes the flights work out well.
Cartagena in Feb with NL for me booked the extra night cos it's my birthday last day and bound to get messy