Shooting ranges in or around London

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Hi all,

    Anyone knows where one could go to shoot some guns around London? Not looking that much at clay shooting but more handguns, shotguns maybe SMG's?
  2. Its a popular sport in the streets of Lozells Birmingham!
  3. Well for now do not plan to shoot anyone but want to practice for the zombie invasion ;)

    So any suggestions?
  4. Have you tried any underground stations? The Met seem to prefer them :wink:
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  5. There used to be a popular one at Ponders End, Enfield.......Went there many times in the 80s.

  6. Your dangerous enough on a bike..............god help us if you get a firearm..............:eek:
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  7. Streatham :) :) stand in a bank or in the street and wave your wallet about :)

    Flipping heck what Zombie invasion is this ??? What blanks are they firing??!

  8. I will be like an average Joe USA, handgun on motorcycle. What is the big whoop ;)
  9. Very clever :smile:
  10. Ayethangewe :smile:
  11. There was a shooting range near me between the White Hart Roundabout in Northolt and the A40 Ruislip exit.

    I think it was called West London Shooting School or similar but I don't know what type of services/weaponry are offered.
  12. anyone else have an image of Rooster Cogburn at this stage?
  13. #13 Cranker V2, Apr 24, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2013
  14. No it's easier to get someone else to do the work it seems. What the hell did we do before forums began? Oh yeh I remember we used Google.
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  15. Judge Dredd?
  16. separated at birth
  17. Firing a shotgun at clay pigeons = easy. Handguns? You've got to be kidding - ought to be locked up.
  18. Have you tried Croyden?
  19. Did you miss the bit where he said SMGs? :biggrin:

    Good luck with that one!
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