Independent article today 20mph in town to encourage more cyclists

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Interesting article today in the Independent about again proposing 20mph in towns , in an effort to persuade more people to take up cycling.

    Good or bad?
    The parliamentary Cycling group want to see more cycle lanes .
    Own traffic lights for cyclists

    Spending on cycling to go from £2 per head to £10 a head rising to £20 a head as cycling increases.

    The cash should be used to redesign junctions , improve road surfaces and cycling traffic lights.

    What do you think?
    I'm not anti cyclists but I think it's bull.

    Improve road surfaces .
    If they can't fill in pot holes for cars and motorcycles that pay road tax ???

    Redesigning junctions
    Again as above and more disruption

    More cycle lanes.
    By me there is a huge road and estate also extensive specially built cycle network so people are kept safe from cars.
    It's great.
    Except 90% of the cyclists choose to ignore this system and insist on riding on the main road .
    Often 2abreast ignoring the que of traffic going back.
    I'm sorry but that's ignorant when all that money has been spent yet they refuse to use it!!!!

    As for special traffic lights again 90% here ignore traffic lights as it is. Running reds or riding on pavement.

    I also had a drunk cyclist fall infront of my car and by the grace of god I did not hit him.

    I have no problem with law abiding cyclists or thoughtful ones.
    But drunk ones , those who ignore cycle lanes and jump lights ,
    Ride 2 abreast knowing dam well causing a delay ( a friend admitted to doing this on purpose to me )

    Riding slower then a pensioner can walk also causing huge tailbacks and knowing it and ignoring half a mile of cars usually in rush hour.
    It's more the norm then ones who don't .

    I know we all have to use roads in harmony but given we pay road tax and don't even get potholes fixed.
    The repairs done are shoddy.
    ( what's this sudden use of big bumps across A roads and motorways as repairs that cripple you if you don't see them like at night).
    I think Motorcycles should be given the right to use all bus lanes country wide for instance that's low cost!

    Also shouldn't Cyclists using the road be insured.
    Some bikes are worth a fortune.
    Also if some push bike hits me or causes an accident it's tough luck.

    I think any vehicle petrol or non using the highway should pay towards its upkeep and should be insured for themselves and others.

    I can't see any of that going through.

    So would. You be happy paying for all that ?
    Having a 20mph speed limit and40 on back roads .

    More cyclists on the road?

    I know cyclists get flack and abuse and no it's not right.
    However if you jump lights , deliberately hold up the highway and refuse to use the purpose often built cycle paths and still militantly hold people up by using the road when there is a cycle lane then people will get angry.

    I know several cyclists who think this sort of thing is fun and their right.
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  2. Cycling should be banned full stop and so should anything else that involves chaps wearing Lycra in public
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  3. :) :) yes actually that closes the whole argument !
    The Lycra issue .
    Yes the MAMIL issue actually it does not even need to be middle age as that's a bit not on.

    If you wish to wear Lycra at home fine be my guest just not infront of me on the wAy to work.
    Same rule applies to speedos.
  4. People wear speedos on your route to work?:eek:
  5. We're not going to have another anti-cycling thread are we? There's already been several over the past months. I can't see that views are going to be any different this time.

    As for blokes in lycra, hmm. Maybe there are quite a few women who should really be questioning whether leggings are the most suitable attire for them. At least lycra makes sense on a bike.

    Then the old speedos chestnut. It was all fine from the 60s to the 70s, the 80s and the 90s pretty much. Now it's like some terrible sexual aggression. Of course, if you wear longer in the leg trunks, also just as tight and made of lycra, it's all fine again. Have you tried swimming lengths in board shorts? Maybe we should all go back to 1920s swimming attire, or women (no problem for them to be in tiny bikinis/slinky one-pieces apparently) adopting the burka for swimming as in some middle-eastern countries.

    This outraged prudishness always annoys me.
    #5 gliddofglood, Apr 24, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2013
  6. But a leather romper suit is ok!!
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  7. If there's going to be more cyclists on the roads how about introducing some sort of test/licence for them so the feckers learn how to behave when they are on the road?
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  8. I work in Bristol and find 60% of cyclist's are using the pavement even if there is a cycle lane.:frown:
  9. No need for any of that cr@p. There is a need for them to have tax and insurance though, imo. Some sort of test for cyclists before they go any where near a road is also a good idea. Cyclist on the A19 last week. Mad. One was killed on there not long ago, why would you chance life and limb on a 70 mph dual carriageway on a pushbike? Likewise on main road near Metro Centre in Gateshead with a dedicated cycle lane about ten feet away..... Sorry, but before they have more rights of way,or dedicated lasnes/lights, there needs to be some responsibility accepted/enforced on them.
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  10. Nearly wiped one out this morning! Sat at lights waiting for green, when they changed I checked my left hand mirror and spotted cyclist coming up at speed, went to move off only to find another cyclist using the crossing in front of me, on his bike, with a bright red sign in front telling him not to cross! He gave me a mildly apologetic look until I called him a pillock!
    They should be made to take a test, pay road tax, get insurance and have the bike checked every year for roadworthiness just like we do, and if caught jumping red lights etc then points on a licence and a ban under the totting up procedure! Just think of the money the local plod could make from them!
    #10 Archer17, Apr 24, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2013
  11. Cyclists are barely more than a pedestrian with two skinny wheels instead of legs and feet. Question...........would you walk in the road. Answer .......of course not it would be stupid. So why the preoccupation by the 'touchy-feely' brigade with cyclists being vulnerable on the road. PUT THEM ON THE FOOTPATHS AND MAKE THE CYCLISTS RESPONSIBLE FOR WATCHING OUT FOR PEDESTRIANS. Even if there were to be a collision the potential outcome is infinitely less horrific than that between a vehicle and a cyclist.

    Simple.........Now stop wasting public money and parliamentary time talking about this bollocks.
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  12. Aka gimp suit :smile:
  13. The idea of a 20 mph limit, IN TOWN CENTRES, is a good one. Average speeds are probably below 20 mph anyway so limiting speeds to 20 mph will help traffic flow more smoothly and safely to everyone's benefit, not just cyclists.

    I agree that a cyclist on the A19, or any other major road, is mad but that has nothing to do with the original question.

    Then there are the usual anti cyclist comments about licensing, taxation and insurance.
  14. They have done just that in Brighton.

    Roads are being re-jigged for cycle lanes & a dedicated bus lane along one of the main routes in & out of town. Bus lane not needed but the work to improve junctions etc will be worthwhile.

    I might use the pushbike to get to work a bit more. I've never felt so vulnerable apart from when riding a pushbike, should wear my leathers

    we have a blanket 20MPH limit across the a large section of town, but the police have already said they won't enforce.

    Proof will be in the pudding I guess, just a waiting game now.
  16. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks, then it probably is a duck.
  17. Islington Borough in London has put a blanket 20mph speed limit on all their roads....and nobody pays a blind bit of notice. Down crowded High Streets and past schools during certain times (ie term time 08:00 to 9:30 and 15:00 to 15:30) 20 limit is a good idea, but certainly not anywhere else. If a government injection of cash will improve safety and roadways then Im all for it. Proper cycle lanes would be fine, ie not some painted bit of tarmac but a properly constructed lane, ideally within the space taken up by part of the pavement. But as is always the case, a certain amount of responsibility for their own safety will be required
  18. All you anti cyclists can fuck right off! Ha, there you go!
  19. If there was a proper designated cycling scheme here and not the cycle ways that run parallel to the road
    It is possible to be routed around the city then I would cycle rather than use the car
    I spend most of my time crawling at 10mph anyway this city is awful to get around alot of the time.

    Using a designated cycleway I can't see how insurance would be needed what accidents would there be severe enough to warrant claiming off another?
    Insurance to be on a main road yes I can go with that as being injured or killed becomes part of the risk

    Are we talking taxing every cyclist and insuring them including children?
    So now it costs to send your kids out to play or ride to school.

    There should be enough money taken in our council tax to provide cycle ways not through vehicles already on the road
  20. Taxation could be a one off payment on every new Adult bike sold, even just £1, everything has a cost. Now if we are talking about taking up part of pathways...then crack on! Far safer anyway. Lets see how many pedestrians walk on the cycle lane, that's what they do on the section 2 miles from me. As to kids going to school on bikes, then they defo need to be cycle only lanes, without mixing with other vehicles at any point, just IMO of course...and if lanes are dedicated to cycles the whole 20mph thing is not even relevant.
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