Silly one .. Have you kept anything from your childhood out of sentiment. You didn't see this right? I have 2 bears Edward the one with no dress and Trousers the one in a dress. They are about 70 years old now Been passed down to me and hanging must send then away to be fixed. View attachment 14373 View attachment 14374 And this is a box of buttons that belonged to my Gran I used to spend hours playing with. My grandfather gave it to me when she got dementia . Silly things but I cherish them. So what have you roughty toughy bikers kept then ?
I bet there are a few body parts kept :/ eeeek sorry I know quite a few big burly sorts who secretly have kept their old bear or something Just most wouldn't admit ...
At what age does childhood end? I still have a huge scar up my front from a cancer operation aged 11..... AL
The scar from when next-door ran their Buick over my ankle, front wheel and back, when I was seven or eight. That's about it, I think. Too many house moves, and crossings of the Altlantic, for me to hold onto much else. Just as well!
A wee Tweety bird toy given to me when I was born. Except it has had the "squeaker" removed, my father removed it when I was about 2, as I drove him nuts with it.
Sepia photo of grandfather who had a shop in Long Eaton, Derbys in 1914 selling bicycles and Triumphs. Sadly died 1915.
Kanga - a genuine kangaroo skin 12" tall toy brought back from Down-Under by a great uncle who worked on the Woomera Missile Range - way back !! And a scar on middle finger right hand made by that right little sod Jim Soady when he stabbed me - I was 6 !!
Here is Ted , he is 80 this year and was my Dads before being mine. Just dug him out of a cupboard for his photo, but the yellow felt on his paws and feet has disintigrated,his fur has been worn off and he looks like a disgusting old man:frown: What a shame.
I do have a Panda, bear and a elephant. All of the cuddy toy variety, they all reside together in the bottom of my wardrobe. They have been together for 40 years this year. If my house was on fire I would save them. (Disclaimer I do not cuddle these or have them in or on my bed)
I still have my tin can alley game and a scaletrix from the 60's or maybe 50's that was (still is realistically) his! I have a scab somewhere that eventually fell off my face when I had a high speed bicycle crash when I was around 9. It was huge as I took the skin off both sides of my face. I was off school for months as the doctors feared the other kids would try to pull it off!
I havent got anything, I wish I still had all my dinky toys and soldier collections but when I had my first air rifle I shot them to pieces. My old man made me join an air rifle club and I went on to be third best junior in the island , not bad considering I was left handed and there were no rifles I could afford so I had to shoot one left handed but with a right handed stock. ker pow. Oh sorry Dad ,still didnt stop me shooting all my toys :biggrin: more fun than plugging a target.