So on St Georges Day the latest round in the Governments attempts to deport Abu Qatada to Jordan, fails.... So does this mean: We should hold our heads high that we are prepared to stand up for a man's rights despite his hatred of our country and way of life? Or We have lost the power to rule ourselves? They said the court accepted Abu Qatada "is regarded as a very dangerous person", but that was not "a relevant consideration" to whether his deportation would result in breaching human rights. Some might argue about the rights of the public that he would plot to harm.
In my opinion it is the latter. Since we signed up to the Human Rights Bill we have been made a mockery of. The likes of Abu Qatada are laughing at us! They hate everything about our country other than the money they can squeeze out of us, the humble taxpayer! If they don't want to live by our rules the b@@@@r off back where you came from, and follow your vile desires there! I hope to retire somewhere warm when the time finally comes, and I shall fully embrace the laws of the country I go to, it's common decency as far as I'm concerned, and its something I follow when I'm on holiday too.
definitely the former. Jordan want Qatada back, we want him gone. As a developed and civilized nation we cannot allow that to happen if that sends a human, no matter how despicable, into the lions jaw. He will get deported eventually, but when the time is right. You cant pick and choose your freedom and rights, world war 2 was about ensuring freedom and rights equal for all, so you still have to honor them without exception. These cases are the ones where our mettle is proved beyond doubt.
Get him out , bump him off .. Vile man. Sorry our benefits are good enough for him and his family / hangers on. If you preach hate about us he should be trailed for treason and chucked out. All his benefits stopped and his home taken back as he thinks this country is so vile and evil . If its that bad then so is the money funding his legal costs And hate plan. Stop it all ... Let his cronies pay for him keep track of them as well . Throw him out of the country.
As it's British courts and British Laws being used to stop the Government riding roughshod all over someone's human rights to placate the salivating mob of Tabloid Journalists I'd say we are displaying all the traits of self determination you'd hope for from a mature and well governed democracy, but then I'm not a Daily Mail journalist. If he's committed a crime here then charge him, put him on trial and convict him. If there's not enough evidence then by all means keep a watch on him if the relevant security services have reason to believe he may do wrong but that watch needs to be properly regulated and checked. What we do not do is deport anyone to a regime where they may be subject to torture or tried using evidence obtained by torture or where the punishment is disproportionate to the treatment they would receive here. This includes sending suspects to the USA where they would face the death penalty if found guilty. That's what we do, and I'm glad we do it that way. To suggest we are an international laughing stock because we don't pander to the twisted logic of the mob or rightwing populist journalism is frankly ludicrous, it is because of the respect for and impartiality of our legal processes that Britain is admired throughout the world.
I'd have him deported by any means, frankly we don't need the like of him here and I don't particularly care what happens to him in whatever country he's sent to.
Just throw him and any other Islamic extremist off the white cliffs. Maggie would have just had him "Taken out" Gawd rest her soul
I cant understand why they just dont bundle the fooker onto the next plane out and say - sue me. this is an incredulous waste or tax payers money
Didn't Italy deport someone against a HR court ruling and get fined something like €15,000? i'd be the first to chip in a few quid, alternatively I believe a 9mm hollow point is about 50p, I may been have a few lying around in the garage.
If Jordan want him, let them have him, simple. The possibility of endangering innocent British residents for fear of upsetting the Human rights brigade sort of comes back and bites itself in the arse. Are his human rights more important than everyone else's? As MR C says, he would have been long gone one way or another under Maggie. Like her or loathe her, I would have felt much safer had she been in charge of todays UK security.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer Everyone knows where he is here in the uk It seems.... Under the UN Convention Against Torture, to which the UK is a signatory, states are obliged to refrain even from complicity in torture, and thus are forbidden from deporting people to places where a real risk of torture exists If you can't do the time don't do the crime as you accept the consequences I'm surprised he hasn't disappeared for good since being here
I always think of Jo Brand on QI or HIGNFY saying Abu Qatada in the Cockernee style as in "Ave a banana"
I believe he arrived on a fake passport. If only he'd been expelled on the spot it would have saved the estimated £500k to £3M that has been paid in benefits to his family and legal costs. A British court first ruled that he could be deported back to Jordan in Feb 2007. Then the appeals started....There must be a need to review the whole appeal process that has dragged on for so many years and has many more months to go. There was another case recently when a failed Somalian asylum seeker who was jailed for rape and upon his release could not be deported. You don't need to ask why do you? I think he has received compensation as he was detained pending the court case. If he'd been released, he would have disappeared of course. I can't find any reason to protect and defend those that have, or would, harm others. Yes, if an innocent person needs assistance and a safe haven then we must do the right thing but not more of this please!
Last time i bought a shotgun cartridge it was 50p.. Would of saved us tax payers a few quid. Fucking joke this liberal country we pay for and kind of live in.
At least by leaving him here we can keep an eye on him, if we just kicked him out who knows what sort of mischief he could cook up. The Daily Mail mentality doesn't allow for the fact these issues don't have simple answers, the world isn't black and white - if it is, you are looking at it through a childs' eyes.
I wonder how many of the folk who have commented on the Qatada case have read the judgments? Here is a link to the full judgment of the Court of Appeal: but if a 17 page document is too indigestible, here is a 3 page summary:
Perhaps I might be permitted a few comments. First, may I say how pleased and reassured I am to find that the legal system in the UK and Europe works so well. The rule of law prevails. Judges at all levels determine cases in accordance with the law, not with the wishes of governments. Rights are carefully protected, even those of noxious and unpopular individuals. How fortunate we are to live in such an age, and how careful we must be to preserve it. Second, there exist terrorists whom we have good cause to fear, but we don't know who they are; they operate in secret and plan their atrocious murders clandestinely. Othman ("Qatada") is a notorious and high-profile figure - if he walks down a street that is headline news. He is the last person we should fear in reality. His significance is purely symbolic. Third, the case serves a useful purpose by drawing out into the open some of the thuggish people who favour murdering people out of hand, illegal rendition, etc. Those, of course, are some of the people we have the most reason to fear.