1200 DVT What Are Essential Upgrades?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Thomas Blum, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. I like the Evotech guards because the are well designed and well made (in the UK). The holes in the radiator and oil cooler guards are small enough to stop stones while large enough not to inhibit air flow.

    I've never fitted a Ducati accessory (Touratech) radiator guard but the silver finish (stainless steel?) puts me off and I think the holes look a bit on the large side.
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  2. I fitted cheap Chinese ones. Looked ok in black and worked perfectly.

    unless it’s a look thing, see no reason to spend hundreds on two bits of thick mesh!
  3. Steve, how do they fit? Screws?? Has the coating on yours been good so far?
  4. Based on my experience of fitting to a 1200 My 2015-2017. The fitting of the radiator guard is reasonable straight forward. The fitting of the oil cooler guard is a bit more tricky because of the wire to sensor in the nose cone (which I've never managed to disconnect). The fitting of the engine guard could be a lot more problematic as you have to remove one of the exhaust manifold nuts. I've not had a problem when fitting to new bikes but it has been known to shear the studs when removing the nuts.

    Regarding the finish, the guards are made from aluminium and power coated. The aluminium does get marked from stone impacts as it's quite soft however if the guards rub against anything they tend to wear away rather than what they touch. The finish has held up quite well with no flaking. I originally fitted the guards on my 2015 Multi and moved them onto my 2017 Multi, so the guards have done over 30,000 miles. The oil cooler guard is hardly marked (just one or two stone chips), the radiator isn't too bad (I take it off every year and attempt to clean the radiator fins). The engine guard has a lot of stone chips / sand blasting but at least it's saved whatever was next in the line of attack. In the past I've touched up the engine guard finish with a permanent black marker pen but I'm considering getting it power coated this year, along with the main stand (which is looking very sad). That said I no longer ride much in the winter and use a lot of AFC50 :)
    #44 steveb123, Jan 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
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